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They dont make things the way they used to
Bonfires may be the order of the day out your way then Lolo.
what i hate about all there different stupid bins for so called recycling, all get dumped at the exact place, recycle a load of bollocks
(05-07-2011, 23:33)lolo Wrote: what i hate about all there different stupid bins for so called recycling, all get dumped at the exact place, recycle a load of bollocks

I Halifax we have normal bins that get emptied every 2 weeks then it gets confusing there is the black box for bottles and cans ,white bag for plastic,geen bag for paper and cardboard ,brown plastic box for food waste then a number to call for anything else and they all go on different weeks and people wonder why I am so confused

so do we put it all goes to the same dump so they can go fuck themselves
tthat would be good but hubby wont have rubbish in the back of his car and if your bin lid does not shut you get fined £120 pound so you have no choice but to recycle and be very confused about what goes out when very stressful is garbage disposal in halifax
We have black bin (normal waste) once a fortnight and green bin (recycle) every other fortnight. I still get confused sometimes.
Jesus kate you want to live in Halifax it is like painting by numbers what colour what day what week.

Sometimes I am scared to stand outside cos I aint sure what day and week they dispose of humans
(05-07-2011, 22:59)CurvaceousKate Wrote: If you still can't get rid of it by the time I come up your way I'll help you get it to the tip on the Monday morning. I have a vehicle that the would likely fit in.

You can get a double mattress in them also. Tinted windows?

contact your council, ours collect things like that for free.
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(06-07-2011, 01:01)Pan Wrote:
(05-07-2011, 22:59)CurvaceousKate Wrote: If you still can't get rid of it by the time I come up your way I'll help you get it to the tip on the Monday morning. I have a vehicle that the would likely fit in.

You can get a double mattress in them also. Tinted windows?

As it happens yes I could and no windows at all. Before I used it to take some smelly grass to the tip I used to call it my 'passion wagon' lol. Although it was a bit like being in a dark room, as you really had to feel your way in there. I used to rather enjoy it. It gets very hot in the Summer though and one time me and this enthusiastic chap shed about 3 pints of sweat while being mischievious in there. All good fun though Big Grin

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