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creating and/or maintaining profiles for several service providers
As the nominated computer literate and language literate friend to a number of service providers , it has oft fallen to me to create profiles and sometimes maintain them on their behalf.
It is NOT a GROUP...and does not require group management.

The AW system is seriously flawed in the respect that if I log in to or create  more than one account from the same IP address / browser / computer then ALL accounts accessed are flagged up as spurious in some regard...dual accounts , fake accounts or incorrect pictures etc etc ultimately resulting in the the closure of those profiles.
A recent example of this is that I set an account up for a service provider several years ago and it has quite happily existed ever since.
A few weeks ago another friend ( no computer access/savvy and limited command of English ) asked me to create a profile for her.


And both subscribing to display their numbers as the were both actively enviting bussiness.

I thought that much was blarringly obvious.

Well....both accounts have now been suspended. One deactivated completely and one requiring verification that the photos are of the provider ( after several years of happily accepting payments of £1.20 a day with no arguement over the validity of the provider)

Surely the volume of 'HELP MY ACCOUNT HAS BEEN DELETED ' type of posts in this very forum lay testament to a system that , although well intentioned, creates so many woes for bone fide profilers.


Is there a way a simple person such as myself...who is not a GROUP organiser and does not wish to be , can help friends who require a profile but lack the necessary equipment/ accumin .
Creating profiles is easy enough, but remarkably pointless if they are just going to be de-activated via over zealous security measures. 
Not to mention the CREDITS that go adrift with each closure...

I want to help people,.....but seemingly  the AW site barrs such acts of kindness.

Ideas on a postcard ....

Ju xx
Also...whats this all about...aint got a danny....

Hello needclarification

We noticed that you logged into your account from a new device or location on Tuesday, 14 February at 19:27.  The details of that login are:

   Country: UK
   IP Address: 18xx.29.164.xx
   Browser: Desktop Chrome (56.0.2924.87) on Windows 7 (Windows NT 6.1)

If this was not you, we recommend changing your password immediately as somebody may have gained unauthorised access to your account.

You can view a list of your recent logins here:

If you do not want to receive these notifications, manage your email preferences here:

How can AW detect login from a different device or location when I only just created the account 5 mins ago FROM THIS DEVICE and FROM THIS LOCATION

The plot thickens...or is it AW admin that thickens, the Jury is out 

Ju xx
Yes if I use a different device AW do send an email to inform you incase it wasn't you.

I also get this with one or two other websites I log into, it's not an uncommon security measure. Just make sure you never follow any links, or give anyone else your password.

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond


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