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ooo is this progress with the payment processor?
(04-10-2016, 18:46)laura20 Wrote: Was i supposed to VAT registered? x

Generally speaking, unless your annual turnover is £83,000 you don't need to register for VAT. But you CAN voluntarily register if you so wish. You MAY be better off because you can then claim back the VAT you have paid with AdultWork. I would suggest you speak to your accountant about your options.

I personally am not VAT registered because I don't earn anywhere near the VAT threshold.
haha well i defo dont earn that lmao-wish i did!!!! thanks x
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Tara25 for this post:
  • Miss Deviant
HI, dont worry about VAT registration, we already done it for you, its better this way as it wont be long until UK self employed details no longer work for VAT anyway (EU reverse charge mechanism wont work soon as AW pointed out during BREXIT), saves changing things over down the line.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to admin for this post:
  • Miss Deviant, Tara25
Hi admin

I opted to be paid weekly on a Monday but Iv just noticed that credits have been transferred does this mean I'm paid daily now
Also when will it hit my account

Many thanks

Hi, must of got caught in the weekly group transfer sorry funds sent, thanks for letting me know.

Account still set to Mondays.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

So does anyone know whats holding AW up from actually giving us money owed now? x
(04-10-2016, 20:45)admin Wrote: Hi, must of got caught in the weekly group transfer sorry funds sent, thanks for letting me know.

Account still set to Mondays.

That's ok 

Will I get their funds in my account tomorrow 

And then on Mondays ? Xxx
Hi, they dont have a processor, they still need to find a company to make payouts with them, currently from the status page it says they are working with 3 promising leads but right now at this moment they havent setup with any of them yet.

The latest message, while promising, sort of, means nothing still, its the same thing from last week about verification. Its a good indication but in reality doesnt mean anything.

"We are progressing three applications for the processing of UK Bank payments" = they are applying still, the processor hasnt said yes or no yet.

Its really an hour by hour thing so it could change dramatically at any moment, tomorrow for instance good be the day they get everything setup and everything goes back to normal.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to admin for this post:
  • Tara25
things moving forward then , so all they require is the home address to verify the UK payments before they get processed .....x
(04-10-2016, 21:06)country-gal Wrote: things moving forward then , so all they require is the home address to verify the UK payments before they get processed .....x

Well thats what i thought but what admin said above it doesnt sound like it? I mean if they just need our address then everyone should be able to transfer now x

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