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How do you deal with no-shows?
I keep their number in my phone as timewaster, name they gave and the date. I also share the details with fellow sex workers locally just in case they try the same trick on them.

Penny x
Well versed in the art of seduction.
Do you get timewasters when camming?
yea you can do but not that often some make skype bookings and dont confirm or you will get the clever dicks that will alter the credits for less than the amount per min you require for a booking and hope you dont notice it .... then you also may get the real thick morons what will put 0 credits in and hope we accept the booking ermmmmmmmmmm i dont think so Dodgy
the first time i ever did a webcam booking on AW it happened to me did the show for 0 creds ive been so aware of it ever since then i always dble check now ..... x
(10-02-2013, 13:46)Charlotte-Rose Wrote: Do you get timewasters when camming?

No, not really as I don't offer free. You do get the odd email, from a guy requesting what you do blah blah blah, and will you do this and that if he makes a booking.

Some are just after wank fodder, with no intention of paying so I keep it very short and usually ask them to come into DC/IM to discuss further!

You can do depending on what you will put up with......e.g a guy in free asks you to change into something like some tights or latex or even someone you have cammed with before emails you asks if you have x y and z change for them to either find they don't bother or its a 1 min wonder on cam.

When i first cammed i was all to accommodating ( we soon wise up and learn fast in this business) now they get sod all off me in free (when i do it ,as i don't do free so much now), i am there so they can see me, that i am a real person & quick chat.

Far too many timewasters in free which is a shame as they really spoil it for the genuine guys. I really can't stand the ones that come in time and time again have zero feedback or hardly cam with any girls, i offer a service and the guys that have not got the pennies can go run and jump.

I had a guy in free recent that i had cammed with before asked me to put my latex on for a 20 min show in pvt.....and i thought does this guy think i am stupid, told him i could if he made a webcam booking as it would take me 15 mins to get into it.....well i had to eat my words he made the booking and low and behold confirmed it too and what made it even better was that he was a whole lot of fun too.

That would not be the norm though, so if i am going to get changed now i only will do it via a confirmed webcam booking.

We're not in private girls!!!
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
I know katy........but i am happy for my freeloaders to know how i feel........i tell them just the same on free cam xx

Genuine guys know i am all heart Wink lol

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