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My chat with Frank
Dont you all just love them waiting to see what plonkas today brings
Maybe Frank should call Frank... Sounds like he is on drugs

Frank - Oh that no good I can only do evenings do you know anyone that does work evenings
Ems - Yes, I have a friend called Caroline who works evenings. I don't have her number on me at the moment. Sorry.
Frank The Plank.
(27-09-2011, 21:31)Hicky Wrote: Frank The Plank.

Wow... There is a village somewhere out there missing an idiot!

Recently I had a dude who I was about to go and see... But just had a bad feeling that stopped me. He called me as I was walking out the door saying, 'How is it possible that I spoke to a different girl earlier on today when I called the same number. How do two of you have the same number, huh? What's going on here... Blah blah blah'.

I just thought THANKYOU INSTINCTS! So I said over and over and over... Him sounding more and more confused - 'Look mate, you must have made a mistake, and I'm not sure I really want to meet you now as your paranoia is putting me on edge'. So he says 'Fine then, well can I speak to Amelia?'. I said 'Who on earth is Amelia'. He says (sounding really angry now) 'The other bitch I spoke to on this number earlier on today...'. I sigh, and as politely as I can tell him that he has made a mistake, and hang up.

He texted and called repeatedly for the rest of the evening (even when I block a number I still see messages/calls in the logs) profusely apologising and he tells me that apparently our numbers are the same apart from 1 number - but we are both in London... Don't even think that's possible. What odd, odd people roam this planet.
Frank the Plank LOL Smile


xXx H xXx

You would not believe some of the planks walking round, talking or driving cars. How they spare the brain power to keep breathing amazes me! All you can do is smile and let them get on with it. As my brother used to say,
Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience! And the sod was refering to me!
[Image: 907Digger.png]
Just here for the Banter!
Ha ha Dig

I take it you have buried him by now with your digger!
Unfortunately, Monty, he is a genius! I do my best to keep out of his very perceptive sight.
Love him to bits. He taught me to lose so well!
Not gracefully, just well!
[Image: 907Digger.png]
Just here for the Banter!
Ha ha Dig.

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