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the bulgarian bag interests me immensely

The Benefits
The benefits that bag training offer include:-

- The shape of the bag allows for all areas of the body to be hit hard.
- The body can be worked effectively through all planes of motion including movements through the rotational plane.
- Bulgarian Bag training offers enormous carry over for many sporting pursuits.
- Explosive power and speed can be increased dramatically.
- The bag can be used to develop muscular strength and endurance alike.
- Metabolic rate and fat loss can be increased for hours after exercise has ceased.
- Cardiovascular fitness can be increased along with mental toughness.
- Joint stability, strength and flexibility can be improved.
- They can be used both in and outdoors in good weather.
- Everything you can do with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell can be done with a bag!

Who Are They For?
Athletes and recreational fitness enthusiasts alike can benefit from including bag training into their routines.
Some examples are:

High intensity intervals can be used to ramp up metabolic rate and ensure fat burning continues long after the workout has ceased.

Mixed martial arts fighters and wrestlers can use bags to develop speed, agility and power in ways that barbells, dumbells and kettlebells cant.

Bulgarian Bag training develops the body in such a way that it can be used to enhance the performance of almost ANY sport!

In my own training I use bag in several ways.

Firstly I use the bag to warm up using various mobility exercises designed to loosen off the body, warm the muscles and heighten my central nervous system excitability prior to heavy power lifting sessions.

I use a 17kg bag for my total body conditioning using high intensity rounds of spins, power snatches, throws, dynamic squats and presses. These workouts are incredibly challenging and always leave me breathing hard, heart rate in excess of 85-90% of its maximum and a significant amount of calories burnt off!

I also use the bag for plymometic jumps (this helps develop explosive power for squatting and deadlifting) and for low intensity mobility drills to keep joints and muscles flexible and working correctly.

Bulgarian bag training is suitable for men and women alike and bags come in sizes based on weight (5kg, 8kg, 12kg, 17kg and 22kg).

Most women would start with a 5kg or 8kg bag while men up to 75kg should start with a 12kg bag. Men over 75kg use a 17kg bag once the basic techniques have been mastered with a 12kg bag or lighter.

This method of training is very much in its infancy but rest assured, once the word gets out this is set to become one of the biggest and most exciting developments in athletic performance and fitness!


A Kettlebell is a very basic piece of kit, comprising of a heavy iron base, shaped like a cannonball, with a thick rounded handle attached to the top.

They have been around for 100's of years, used predominantly in Russia from the early 1700's, where they are known as Girya and were first used by strongmen to demonstrate feats of strength.

Over the years, many different factions of the sporting communities have realised the far reaching and dramatic effects to be achieved through using these lumps of iron, including Olympic weight lifters, Soviet Special Forces and U.S. Elite law enforcement teams.

Indeed, such is the popularity of the kettlebell in Russia that the Girevoy sport was born from it.

Kettlebells are so versatile that they have been called a hand held gym. They can be used by men and woman alike and are available in sizes from 4kg - to over 60kg.

IN FACT GIRLS, the Kettlebell swing is one of THE most effective exercises you can do for toning thighs, hips and bums!

Why Are They So Effective?
Quite simply, it comes down to their shape and the fact that they are such good fun to use!

When you hold a kettlebell, the centre of mass is outside of the hands grip which means that when the kettlebell is held, it places an increased load on the body as it tries to stabilise and absorb the weights momentum.

Unlike the traditional type of workout you may have down at the gym, where isolation exercises on seated machines are common place, kettlebell workouts usually consist of whole body movements.

These types of kettlebell exercises teach the body how to function as a complete unit, impacting balance, core strength, and the ability to control the body collectively.

They introduce a greater degree of functional fitness and strength, making the body more efficient and able to cope with general day to day tasks such as carrying the shopping to the car.

Due to the sheer amount of muscle mass used when performing kettlebell exercises, the body burns lots of energy, which translates to huge amounts of calories burnt.

For an example of a super effective and time efficient workout using kettlebells, why not check out my 20 Minute Workouts article?

Furthermore, if you check out my articles and resources section below you can find out more information about the benefits of kettlebell training and how can take the way you train to a new level!

When using any exercise equipment, there is ALWAYS a risk of injury - and using a kettlebell is no different.

HOWEVER, so long as you get your doctor or physician's all clear before engaging in physical activity, AND you lift kettlebells using the correct technique, with weights your can manage, the risk of injury is greatly reduced.

Lift Safely and Enjoy
Should this be in the BDSM section?

I haven't tried either of those, but kettlebells seem to be pretty popular now. I've never really done any regular sports in my life, but I've started yoga back in January and started going to the gym a couple weeks ago and enjoy both.
I'm rubbish and maintaining going to the gym, as I just don't enjoy it. I find it intensely boring.
love to try bikram yoga but nearest is glasgow for around 6 weeks of the year so pointless
I have to admit I dont exercise walking yes but actual proper exercise no I am just to bone idle
walking is good to emily especially now u have the dogs u need to
I used to taekwondo for a while but stopped when i moved back to gloucester from Oxford,
Have done the gym thing to but its a bit dull..
was thinking of trying Zumba... onlly thing about exercise its extra expense for the class.
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thats true jay but even if u done a couple to getused to the moves then do it at home
iv went & booked matt shore online from ebkettebells, then i'll go to eastbourne next year for his classes
(11-07-2011, 11:18)lolo Wrote: walking is good to emily especially now u have the dogs u need to

I dont walk the dogs Lolo they walk me

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