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Speeding Fine
Oh God don't put me on that site. I've had to go on there so often you wouldn't believe since my son seems to be incapable of passing the theory test.

I think the problem with the way the site has the info available is a matter of convenience. If you want to see a picture of a symbol you have to download each one individually. I can't see anyone having the patience to do that.

Yes it has the highway code on there, but I'm talking about specific up dates only, so you don't have to sift through the whole lot and a brief explanation as to why it was intoduced. Understanding is half the battle. It's one thing knowing what the sign means (ie what response you need to have) but even better if you know why it is important and how it is making driving safer.

If they had an email database you could add yourself to that tells you when updates have been introduced, so they are relevant to each individual, it would have much more impact and relevance.

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