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Weirdnesses peculiar to you
Mica is in heat and has barked constantly for nights because of it which we think is affecting scooby he is crying constantly which is worse than barking cos you cant shut him up but wont leave her alone constantly sniffing her back end and getting really stressed this is the only explanation we can come up with we are taking it in turns to stay up and try to keep them quiet hence I am here at 1 o clock It is actually doing my head in and i normally have so much patience with them but lack of sleep is not a good thing and I thought kids were hard work

Messages In This Thread
Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by SassyAnn - 18-08-2011, 22:35
RE: Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by abcdef - 19-08-2011, 00:22
RE: Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by Emily of Halifax - 19-08-2011, 01:02
RE: Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by Freddo - 19-08-2011, 07:49
RE: Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by jayzee77 - 19-08-2011, 07:57
RE: Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by SassyAnn - 19-08-2011, 21:46
RE: Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by abcdef - 29-08-2011, 22:54
RE: Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by Freddo - 29-08-2011, 23:10
RE: Weirdnesses peculiar to you - by SassyAnn - 29-08-2011, 23:46

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