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AW to stop UK payouts
(27-09-2016, 21:56)Lisadavelatte Wrote: Hi I applied to join daily pay yesterday I as just wondering if I filled it in properly as I haven't heard anything yet ?

Many thanks


Hi, filled out ok, if not we'll email, just a bit of a delay sorry as we are processing so many applications and forms at the moment, staff are working around the clock from 5am to midnight or past to get things caught up with.

Wont be long.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

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(27-09-2016, 19:52)laura20 Wrote:
(27-09-2016, 19:30)Junior Wrote: @Laura20

You seriously need to chill out, we're all in the same boat including Adultwork. Things like this happen in business, you can't do nothing about it. But sitting and complaining, attacking Adultwork isn't helping.

im not attacking aw at all...n dont tell me what to do
You're getting hysterical.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to beauvoir for this post:
  • MissLouiseKay
Hi BellaRose, first pay sent for you and should be in your bank already. I notice you got a nice long list of VAT refunds also which is great.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Hi Admin,

thanks for adding me to the DP group. The credits that were in my account today have successfully been transferred. Many thanks for that.

However, I'm confused about the pending transactions (one to be processed today and the other on the 4th October).

On both pending transactions, the amount has increased, which I presume is what you said earlier to someone (VAT details being approved). Yay! Thanks,

But, the pending payment due today (27th) still has a box (enabling a tick to be inserted) next to it, however the payment due on the 4th October hasn't.

Is that because you have taken over the 4th October payment and will credit my bank account with it as soon as you receive it, but the one pending one due today is still under AW control and they will credit by bank account (when they have got all this palava sorted)?

Thanks xx
Hi admin, Your comment to BellaRose says she's got a long list of VAT refunds too, I thought the cut off line for VAT being backdated had long gone. Can you clarify this please
That's great fantastic job

(27-09-2016, 20:22)laura20 Wrote: im annoyed now because i dont see why they cant just put these credits into our accounts?! i dont want to sign up with payoneer frustrating....

Jesus christ. I do try to be nice but you clearly are a bit thick

Adultwork can't just pay us. They pay us via a payment processing company that has been shut down due to fraud.

Let this be a lesson to you not to be so finacially retarded and to always have a back up.

I am not known for mincing my words but its done my swede in seeing your comments to adultwork complaining like a little girl
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(27-09-2016, 21:04)laura20 Wrote:
(27-09-2016, 21:02)Junior Wrote: I just don't think Laura understands how banks work & what a payment processor is along with the legal issues etc.

no i dont - hence y i ask questions Smile

Perhaps if you listened more and read more about what was going on rather than just moaning that aren't getting paid you would be more aware of the situation.
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to MissLouiseKay for this post:
  • Ana_X, beauvoir, Blondie, Junior
Hi, bashing and name calling needs to stop folks, we are all adults here with people from many walks of lives.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

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  • 1hornylass, country-gal, lara, Ms Dee, YoungMumBellaRose
(27-09-2016, 22:56)1hornylass Wrote: Hi admin, Your comment to BellaRose says she's got a long list of VAT refunds too, I thought the cut off line for VAT being backdated had long gone.  Can you clarify this please

Hi, they cant be backdated to Oct 2015 but they can still be backdated, anyone who joins gets their refunds.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

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