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Punters Requesting Tours
(20-10-2015, 18:36)oneandonlyMrsJones Wrote: ' just feedback can be left even if u don't use the booking form'
how is this done please ? Client sent me great feedback via email, would love it on my profile but the booking was by phone

By the way, I was a massive Rod fan back in the days........ Maggie May, just loved it and him.

Sorry I miss represented that. You can be left feedback if they use the booking form . Even if here is no payment via Adultwork but it doesn't affect ratings its just feedback only
See my points below
(20-10-2015, 18:42)milfymouth Wrote: Sorry I miss represented that. You can be left feedback if they use the booking form . Even if here is no payment via Adultwork but it doesn't affect ratings its just feedback only

But only if they have made a booking using the AW system, I do not take bookings via AW as all mine are made on the day by phone. I have always worked this way.

Escorts can not take any form of payment for an escort booking via AW.

Sarah x x x
How I am or behave has very little to do with the typical males that are prone time wasters, they prey on all working girls regardless of what they are into or how they market themselves.

(20-10-2015, 19:11)milfymouth Wrote: But by definition the fact that you offer sex for free precludes you from the definition of either whore or prostitute

Does it? So when I am working and taking money for sex, what does that make me? Do you have a new word for it?

So I mistreat & disrespect myself (according to you) but I guess there are people out there that would say the same about you,

(20-10-2015, 19:11)milfymouth Wrote: Your profile and webpage smacks of male fantasy as do your posts

Should I make them boring? Have you not learnt anything about marketing? How would you prefer I write them?

Most of what I write are true accounts of things that I have done, of course they are flavoured up with words that will excite and to be honest I do struggle sometimes to write them, as I think they just sound very repetitive. In a gangbang situation how exciting can you make the writing when your talking about the 5th/6th guy that is sticking his cock in you?

But thankfully, mainly to do with my marketing approach, when I am working, I am not stop and do back to back bookings for money (even though I am not a prostitute).

(20-10-2015, 19:11)milfymouth Wrote: So again what is the point of your op?

I guess that you consider it ok for guys to be requesting girls tour in their area and it would be acceptable if a girl got 20 - 30 messages a day from guys all around the country that wanted the same? And when you told them no, it would be ok for them to then insist that you should.

To me, that sounds very much like the type of thing a man would write.

Sarah x x x
Allowing yourself to be exposed to disease and infection is very disrespectful to oneself I would say and again that lack of respect that you treat yourself with leaves you wide open to the type of time wasting that you posted about initially I have been reading this forum for a long time without commenting and every time you post I get a very strong sense of that Little Britain sketch when they pretend to be ladies.

"How I am or behave has very little to do with the typical males that are prone time wasters, they prey on all working girls regardless of what they are into or how they market themselves."- Really!!!!! How you behave and what you are into has every effect on time wasters. I don't think males are typically time wasters but really don't you think that by announcing to the world that you are potentially carrying ever sexually transmitted disease around would make you a target for time wasters. Cant imagine the amount of cancelled bookings you must get people must think twice after making THAT booking with death. I agree that there are an element of time wasters but I don't really see why you would have an issue with someone requesting a tour.

"I guess that you consider it ok for guys to be requesting girls tour in their area and it would be acceptable if a girl got 20 - 30 messages a day from guys all around the country that wanted the same " What changed at the top of this post it was "It is rare a week goes by without me getting a 3-4 guys requesting that I tour locally to them". Keep it consistent love

So to get back on point you advertise yourself as the AW version of Typhoid Mary stick your number in the public domain and seem affronted when people ask you to travel further than your sofa . Again I fail to see what point you are making
I think you are too upset about my lifestyle than to actually concentrate on the point in question.

(20-10-2015, 21:59)milfymouth Wrote: Keep it consistent love

Sounds like a guy on our local market....

Sarah x x x

PS I never said I get 20- 30 messages a day....
So is the person posting on the W4R account really a man well it has been suggested to me before but the fact is we'll probably never know, but of course we can never know who's really posting on any account just because it may be linked to an AW profile means nothing, Sarah says I'm not a real punter but a schoolboy, well I am a real punter and a middle aged man but your just going to have to take my word for that, even if I were a schoolboy and wanted to join the private forum I doubt it would be too difficult, anyone can create an AW service seeker account and then I could trade phoney feedback with newbie wgs to get the required amount.

Anyone who's read this forum recently will know I've been on the receiving end of some very abusive attacks mounted by Sarah, do I sometimes feel it's a man behind those posts ?, it could be but on the other hand if you've read another ongoing thread I've described my ex-wife as having an aggressive nature more like a man but you'd never have known it just by looking at her as she was petite and very pretty but rub her up the wrong way and you'd soon see you can't judge a book by it's cover.

I don't approve of some of the services she offers either but she's a grown woman who clearly states what she does so none of her clients can be in any doubt about the potential risk their taking, some punters don't indulge in unprotected oral sex and some wgs don't offer it because they feel the risk is too great but for me OWO and RO are essential and I'm prepared to accept that risk. As for her profile well every crap punt I've ever had tells me that what's promised on a profile may not actually be delivered once I've handed over the money.

OMG it's way past my bedtime and I've got school tomorrow.
It's certainly not unknown for someone close to a wg boyfriend/pimp to pretend to be them on a forum but the motive in those cases is pretty clear it's just another form of advertising, getting their name out there, they flirt with the members and it's not unknown for them to take bookings via the PM system. Now you could hardly accuse Sarah of being flirty in fact she seems to make a point of attacking the first post of any new male member and it often tends to be their last post as well and the persona created on here seems so intimidating that I can't really see that many punters finding it attractive or enticing in any way so the question is if it's not W4R what exactly is the real poster trying to achieve.

Anyway MM I'm glad your here as your posts will draw some of her/his fire away from me, best of luck.
(21-10-2015, 00:10)milfymouth Wrote: Your lifestyle choices are really not interesting enough to upset me

Really? So the above vile attack on me as a person and way I work has everything to do with the posting?

To be honest it has all been said before.

Sarah x x x
It has everything to do with the posting, you crave attention you got it.

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