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Punters Requesting Tours
It is rare a week goes by without me getting a 3-4 guys requesting that I tour locally to them, they usually indicate that it would be profitable for me to do so and that they would really like to see me.

Most of the time I just ignore them and the times I don't I usually wish that I did. The latest was one that then insisted I should re think the idea and to let him know when I would be making plans and where I would be staying.

The guy had 30+ Positive feedback which just goes to show that having good feedback does not make them beyond a little stupidity.

My last reply was "I am looking to go and see Rod Stewart in concert next year, the closest he is doing a show is Southampton. Maybe I should email him and ask if he can do something closer for me or I would if I was that stupid..."

Or maybe I should try it, I have seen him at Twickenham, which is more local for me, so if I mention that he may add it to the tour.

Sarah x x x
Only 30 feedbacks is 27 more than you so what is your point?
(20-10-2015, 14:55)milfymouth Wrote: Only 30 feedbacks is 27 more than you so what is your point?

Personally I do not hold much faith in feedback, all my punters call me to make a booking, so can not leave feedback.

Sarah x x x
(20-10-2015, 14:02)wife4rent Wrote: It is rare a week goes by without me getting a 3-4 guys requesting that I tour locally to them, they usually indicate that it would be profitable for me to do so and that they would really like to see me.

Most of the time I just ignore them and the times I don't I usually wish that I did. The latest was one that then insisted I should re think the idea and to let him know when I would be making plans and where I would be staying.

The guy had 30+ Positive feedback which just goes to show that having good feedback does not make them beyond a little stupidity.

My last reply was "I am looking to go and see Rod Stewart in concert next year, the closest he is doing a show is Southampton. Maybe I should email him and ask if he can do something closer for me or I would if I was that stupid..."

Or maybe I should try it, I have seen him at Twickenham, which is more local for me, so if I mention that he may add it to the tour.

Sarah x x x

I think Rod Stewart would struggle to fill Twickenham these days and even if he could it would be a logistical nightmare just imagine how many Stannah stair lifts they would have to install to get his fans to the upper levels.

Why don't you tour Southampton when he's there and kill two birds with one stone, so if Rod's in Southamton sometime next year all you Granny grabbers out there should find out exactly when and get down there because if the plastic sweaty is in town it will be wrinkly heaven and if you bare even a passing resemblance to the man himself your guaranteed to pull, get in there.
(20-10-2015, 14:55)milfymouth Wrote: Only 30 feedbacks is 27 more than you so what is your point?

Her point well it's more of a philosophy actually is that all men are idiots, apart that is from Rod Stewart who makes her go all coy and girlie and then her knickers get a little damp.
@Nova - Whilst you may keep on about how I think most men are idiots you are actually factually wrong, (nothing new there).

As I have said so often, many men act like idiots (there is a big difference), which is constantly made apparent by the way they behave.

Although I guess you would think sending a message to a girl in that manner was perfectly acceptable

I actually do not have a girlie crush on Rod, never have had, but I have seen him in concert many times, enjoy the music and his shows, but I have also seen many different groups and solo artists preform over the years.

You would probably be surprised how many young girls are at his shows.

I wonder if you will still be able to perform when your 70?

Sarah x x x

PS I did have a thing for Paul Nicholas who was only a month older than Rod
(20-10-2015, 17:21)milfymouth Wrote: hey ho what do I know?

Good question...

Sarah x x x
If you think it would be worth adding another date/place by getting enough business then go for it. If the extra tour day is just for one client then I'd say to offer him a session at the hotel when you go to see Rod Stewart. That way there's no way that you can lose anything if he doesn't turn up or cancels.

Milfymouth, when I used to escort (vanilla services) then I would only take bookings via phone instead of going through the aw booking forms. It meant that I had very few feedbacks like wife4rent.

Iv changed the way I take bookings now to cut down on time wasters and because I personally find the feedback useful.
' just feedback can be left even if u don't use the booking form'
how is this done please ? Client sent me great feedback via email, would love it on my profile but the booking was by phone

By the way, I was a massive Rod fan back in the days........ Maggie May, just loved it and him.
(20-10-2015, 17:52)milfymouth Wrote: Seems sensible I just struggle to see what point the op is making here. Someone who lives some distance away from her wants to see her and that's a reason to post

It really does not take a lot to work out the point of the post, it was the part that indicates I get more than a few of them each week, guys who are based all over the country that decide as they wish to see me it would be good of me to travel to them.

So that I am not left out of pocket I can make it a tour so earn some money from it, but it is really all about what they want. And in this case the guy, after me saying no, has still insisted he thinks it a good idea.

I make my own mind up of when I am working and where I work and from experience have also found that often the guys who are wanting you to be in their area are suddenly unavailable on the days that you are there.

Most of it is just there way of getting their kicks by trying to engage you in messaging, to me it is a waste of time, which is why I said that I usually just delete the messages and do not respond.

(20-10-2015, 17:52)milfymouth Wrote: Actually just feedback can be left even if u don't use the booking form and that seems pretty thin on the ground

Feedback cannot be left if no booking has been made, or are you suggesting that a fake booking can be made and then feedback left? I have said many times before, I really do not care about feedback, but i know many people do.

(20-10-2015, 17:52)milfymouth Wrote: I have always had a feeling about "Sarah" I get a sense of masculinity from how and what she writes. Never struck me as particularly genuine.

Sorry am I supposed to be all soppy and caring to all men?

I really have no idea of how it works in the cam world, i would guess that if you do free view you have to deal with a lot of idiot guys just looking to get their kicks and not looking to spend any money, if you only do pay to view then the guys you are talking to are customers and paying, so usually not a problem.

There is a big difference to how I am with genuine customers that come through the door to the many idiots that call up during a working day with no intention of actually turning up to the booking they make.

(20-10-2015, 17:52)milfymouth Wrote: Plus her/his denigration of prostitute women has always sat uncomfortably with me. Check out his/her website and see what you think

I do not usually write about other women, prostitutes / prostitution on my web site, most of what is written is about myself and see no reason for it to offend you.

Sarah x x x

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