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Dressing For An Out Call
(02-08-2015, 17:03)Strawberryblonde Wrote: Flipping heck, that's a bit of an attitude and a half!

Yes I know that and i have often been accused of being a man hater, but the truth is I don't hate men, i just don't tolerate idiots...

But I work for the money and I do it in style, I use to be on the saafe forums but I am really SHOCKED by how much or should I say how little some of the girls that work earn from being an escort and most of them seem to pander to the "idiot" trying to get the money from them. It really is shocking....

I am not going to reveal here what I earn but lets just say that I can work for a 3/4 days in a month and earn, after expensive, more than a girl stacking shelves on min wage. I have been doing this for many years and still get the same result. And that is not because i am a mean hearted bitch as I may come across, it is because I get the clients respect.

i deal with idiots on a daily basis and have no time for them, I do not NEED to try and get their money, they either buy or they do not, how many men (Idiots) turn 18 tomorrow or even the day after?

With the above in mind, my "Clients" get treated as kings, which is why I have a huge database or clients, it is just the idiots I don;t give the time of day to...

Sarah x x x
No reason why a good living can't be earned from it all that's really needed is a reputation for providing a good service and doing it consistently, the punters will come, I don't really see the need to pander to anyone if you can achieve the above as that's really all we're looking for.
(31-07-2015, 14:54)wife4rent Wrote: Today I had a guy want to make a booking, I have seen him a few times before and he has been trying to get hold of me most of the week, this time he wanted me to arrive at his door, in his words "dressed like a slut". There are many reasons why I would not do that.

The reasons why he should NOT have asked is that he is 22yrs old. lives at home with his mum and dad in a quiet residential close, he is also of Asian orign which would indicate that his parents would probably be very embarrassed if the neighbours spotted me trotting along the pavement to his door in high heels, fishnets and PVC (which I am sure they would).

I offered to bring an outfit to change into when I was inside but he did not make the booking.

Sarah x x x

Somehow I am not surprised with this as I heard it so many times before...........

I wonder how many people from other backgrounds would want to throw away discretion?

Not nice at all.
Clearly this young guy revels in the threat of being discovered and makes his andrenaline rush. But, he is not only putting himself in a difficult position if caught out by his family, but also the lady he is seeing. Given that some Asian families can resort to violence, then this looks like a scenario best avoided.
I always ask that a lady, if possible, wears tight skinny blue jeans, which is not just my preferred clothing on a lady anyway, but has the added benefit of her not standing out for an outcall visit. Sarah is clearly running this as a business, which is what it really is and like any businesswoman, does not get involved in timewasters and tyre kickers, which not only costs money, but means that there is less time for genuine clients.
I've never really understood this kind of thing as for me it's the thrill of the sex itself, never been into roleplay either I'm not knocking it just don't really get it.
Nothing wrong with roleplay, my philosophy is to do everything discreetly without upsetting others. One thing I really dislike is when I see girls having pictures taken in underwear on the streets of London for example. Would they do the same back in their country and neighbourhood?
Yes I know what you mean, swinging by one hand from a lamppost or standing next to a Bentley, even worse are those very awkward looking shots in full evening dress with a big cheesy grin, nothing wrong with a bit of glam but in the right context. How about a few selfies taken at 7am when they've just got up minus the war paint for punters thinking of investing in an overnight.

Nope nothing wrong with roleplay whatever turns you on.
I've often thought about this, as I don't tend to dress "slutty" really at all. If I did do Out Calls I'm not sure how I'd dress. Some Escorts I know tend to wear coats with the outfit underneath. Probably the best compromise.

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