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Dressing For An Out Call
Today I had a guy want to make a booking, I have seen him a few times before and he has been trying to get hold of me most of the week, this time he wanted me to arrive at his door, in his words "dressed like a slut". There are many reasons why I would not do that.

The reasons why he should NOT have asked is that he is 22yrs old. lives at home with his mum and dad in a quiet residential close, he is also of Asian orign which would indicate that his parents would probably be very embarrassed if the neighbours spotted me trotting along the pavement to his door in high heels, fishnets and PVC (which I am sure they would).

I offered to bring an outfit to change into when I was inside but he did not make the booking.

Sarah x x x
Well this would seem to be part of a fantasy/roleplay scenario and given his circumstances the risk of discovery seems to be the theme. I don't blame you for not wanting to play along, I'm sure most wgs would have no problem with the outfit request but would prefer not to reveal it until they were actually at the outcall location.

I've never really been into the roleplay stuff but from what I've read it is pretty popular so each to their own, uniforms is another thing I don't get, I honestly don't find WPCs Nurses etc much of a turn on and as for men wanting grown women to dress up as schoolgirls well I've always found the whole St Trinians thing a bit dubious.

Would you have been OK with this if he'd have been happy for you to hide your outfit under a coat until you were at his door, was this the first time he's asked for an outcall given that he lives with his parents it does seem a slightly odd request, I'm assuming they were away on holiday or something.
(01-08-2015, 14:15)Nova70 Wrote: Would you have been OK with this if he'd have been happy for you to hide your outfit under a coat until you were at his door, was this the first time he's asked for an outcall given that he lives with his parents it does seem a slightly odd request, I'm assuming they were away on holiday or something.

I have visited him before, hence why I know the location of where he lives and I am more than happy to dress as he requested, I usually do wear PVC outfits. Turning up during the day in a long winter coat may look strange and also draw attention, so I offered to change when I arrived.

No his parents were not away as they were due back at 6pm, I also know he has a younger brother, who would be off school.

Sarah x x x
(01-08-2015, 14:52)wife4rent Wrote:
(01-08-2015, 14:15)Nova70 Wrote: Would you have been OK with this if he'd have been happy for you to hide your outfit under a coat until you were at his door, was this the first time he's asked for an outcall given that he lives with his parents it does seem a slightly odd request, I'm assuming they were away on holiday or something.

I have visited him before, hence why I know the location of where he lives and I am more than happy to dress as he requested, I usually do wear PVC outfits. Turning up during the day in a long winter coat may look strange and also draw attention, so I offered to change when I arrived.

No his parents were not away as they were due back at 6pm, I also know he has a younger brother, who would be off school.

Sarah x x x

Unless his parents are the most broadminded on the planet then your answer tells me this guy is definitely turned on by the possibility of discovery, perhaps you need to have a little chat with him and relocate your game to a hotel where your strangers to those who may come across you.
I don't play games... Punters play games!

What do I need to have a chat about? I am not interested, it is not up for negotiation, so i left it

Sarah x x x
(01-08-2015, 18:00)wife4rent Wrote: I don't play games... Punters play games!

What do I need to have a chat about? I am not interested, it is not up for negotiation, so i left it

Sarah x x x

I know we're never going to agree on this but honestly Sarah men are not idiots by default we're not born like it, when it comes to sex and all things related it is the hormones that are to blame you literally think with your cock, ill conceived plans like this one the willingness to believe those too good to be true profiles and the inability to walk away from a bait and switch because the urge to get the job done is simply too strong.

When I say have a chat with him don't you think it might be a good idea for someone to point out the very real trouble he may find himself in with his parents/family just because this urge he has to fulfill a sexual fantasy can't be resisted or controlled. Yes he's a grown man and your not his keeper but I was just suggesting a way the scenario could be played out with no long term consequences. You may refuse to do it but who's to say he won't approach someone else who isn't familiar with his domestic situation and agrees to it, Sarah you could be saving this young man from a whole heap of trouble.
(02-08-2015, 01:00)Nova70 Wrote: ... honestly Sarah men are not idiots by default we're not born like it

Must be something you learn then...

(02-08-2015, 01:00)Nova70 Wrote: ... when it comes to sex and all things related it is the hormones that are to blame you literally think with your cock,

Which turns you into idiots, the type of people that WG's have to deal with on a daily basis. I don't understand how you can continually defend guys acting like idiots and not expect us to think they are.

In most cases it is the minority that spoil it for others, but with punters we have to deal with more idiots in a day than we do genuine customers and even the genuine customers, that you have seen before, turn into idiots

(02-08-2015, 01:00)Nova70 Wrote: Sarah you could be saving this young man from a whole heap of trouble.

Forgive me but I am not about saving the world, or saving idiots from doing stupid things, I am sure at the time I did say to him that it would not be discrete.

If people ask me for advice or I can help somebody I generally will, but I am not a social worker and don't intend to be.

Excuse me, my idiot phone is ringing, wonder what they want today!

Sarah x x x
Flipping heck, that's a bit of an attitude and a half!

I don't assume men (customers) are idiots, however I do notice I end up with bookings from men who approach me in a particular way. I am also aware that men make contact for a variety of reasons, not only to actually make a booking.

This weekend I've had calls from men who just don't realise how far away in travel time from our capital city I am located. I've also been barked at "where do you live luv" as an opening line (x2), and received texts at 1am and 3am asking if I can get to a place several hours away, if not is there anyone else out in the sticks?I also took a call to discuss a booking which did include times and days, but then started asking me about latex and thigh boots. If you've read my profile you'd realise that's not up my street, and not the reason clients bookg, although I have worn such things when provided. Anyhow, when he started telling me how great my body looking in my photos, and how he was going to get me hot the penny dropped, his next words were "I'm getting horny just looking", so "Are you wanking?" was my next question. "Yes", I then advised him I was ending the call. Sometimes asking the time or "Is that your mum behind you?" can make men jump, but I wasn't in the mood for frivolity at that particular moment. Finally someone was badgering me by text this morning to go and pick them up from a festival in the same county, and take them to my place. They were offering me £500, which they then upped to £700. I'm not sure what they intended once at 'my place', and they were aware I don't offer incalls. He said he really "wanted" me, two hours later I received a 'R U workin'?' from the same number. Someone else also wanted a full description of how I'd tease him at the start of a booking (I'd covered/confirmed basic services/he'd seen my website).

Having consulted with a former punter and red-blooded male, it's obvious that some men are just playing for their own amusement, it's also exciting to be speaking to the 'woman in the photos'.

Combine that with two stalkery types on the go, another bloke using different numbers to try and fool me into accepting a booking from him, someone shouting 'thank you Ruth' as they left my hotel room this weekend, plus a regular using a hidden camera to try and film me last week, I just want to shout "Just stop it and cut me some slack for a minute".

Apparently it all comes with the job.

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond

(02-08-2015, 13:22)wife4rent Wrote:
(02-08-2015, 01:00)Nova70 Wrote: ... honestly Sarah men are not idiots by default we're not born like it

Must be something you learn then...

(02-08-2015, 01:00)Nova70 Wrote: ... when it comes to sex and all things related it is the hormones that are to blame you literally think with your cock,

Which turns you into idiots, the type of people that WG's have to deal with on a daily basis. I don't understand how you can continually defend guys acting like idiots and not expect us to think they are.

In most cases it is the minority that spoil it for others, but with punters we have to deal with more idiots in a day than we do genuine customers and even the genuine customers, that you have seen before, turn into idiots

(02-08-2015, 01:00)Nova70 Wrote: Sarah you could be saving this young man from a whole heap of trouble.

Forgive me but I am not about saving the world, or saving idiots from doing stupid things, I am sure at the time I did say to him that it would not be discrete.

If people ask me for advice or I can help somebody I generally will, but I am not a social worker and don't intend to be.

Excuse me, my idiot phone is ringing, wonder what they want today!

Sarah x x x

There is a selfish aspect for you to consider of course as you say this guy has seen you several times before well if he does get caught I doubt he'll be booking any wg in the near future so you could lose a regular client/idiot.

Sarah I'm not defending them I'm offering up a reason to explain the behaviour of some of them at least, no matter how many times you label me and the rest of my gender idiots I can't help liking you as you do make me laugh and I'm sure under that hard exterior there beats a heart of gold.................probably.
(02-08-2015, 17:03)Strawberryblonde Wrote: Flipping heck, that's a bit of an attitude and a half!

I don't assume men (customers) are idiots, however I do notice I end up with bookings from men who approach me in a particular way. I am also aware that men make contact for a variety of reasons, not only to actually make a booking.

This weekend I've had calls from men who just don't realise how far away in travel time from our capital city I am located. I've also been barked at "where do you live luv" as an opening line (x2), and received texts at 1am and 3am asking if I can get to a place several hours away, if not is there anyone else out in the sticks?I also took a call to discuss a booking which did include times and days, but then started asking me about latex and thigh boots. If you've read my profile you'd realise that's not up my street, and not the reason clients bookg, although I have worn such things when provided. Anyhow, when he started telling me how great my body looking in my photos, and how he was going to get me hot the penny dropped, his next words were "I'm getting horny just looking", so "Are you wanking?" was my next question. "Yes", I then advised him I was ending the call. Sometimes asking the time or "Is that your mum behind you?" can make men jump, but I wasn't in the mood for frivolity at that particular moment. Finally someone was badgering me by text this morning to go and pick them up from a festival in the same county, and take them to my place. They were offering me £500, which they then upped to £700. I'm not sure what they intended once at 'my place', and they were aware I don't offer incalls. He said he really "wanted" me, two hours later I received a 'R U workin'?' from the same number. Someone else also wanted a full description of how I'd tease him at the start of a booking (I'd covered/confirmed basic services/he'd seen my website).

Having consulted with a former punter and red-blooded male, it's obvious that some men are just playing for their own amusement, it's also exciting to be speaking to the 'woman in the photos'.

Combine that with two stalkery types on the go, another bloke using different numbers to try and fool me into accepting a booking from him, plus a regular using a hidden camera to try and film me last week, I just want to shout "Just stop it and cut me some slack for a minute".

Apparently it all comes with the job.

It doesn't make for good reading and yes it probably does come with the job, most women I've seen a few times and got to know a little better do have at least one stalker, it can be a regular client or someone they've never met and in some cases their not sure one way or the other. Your male friend is right about the phone sex stuff unfortunately it's just to easy now with your pictures on your profile and your number at the bottom these guys are probably not punters and never will be it's all about a cheap thrill, of course AW does offer that service as well but they probably want to avoid the premium rates.

Lack of thought about your location, trying to make unrealistic short notice bookings and asking questions that are clearly answered on your profile OK their idiots and they need to apply a little common sense if their serious about seeing you, however some who contact you asking about this and that are probably would be punters building up the confidence to go through with it, it was a difficult decision for me and I did ask a few questions of the wgs I was tempted to see but it didn't take me long to make up my mind and do it, that process is not as quick with all those considering it for the first time and it can drag on for months even years, yes I know that's no consolation when a guy phones for the umpteenth time to clarify something else.

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