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what is the one thing u have always wanted to try
I love skiing (crashed into a tree), learned to do some sailing and rigging (over-turned a hobbie cat in a storm too but I loved it) and crashed a flight simulator at Luton Airport - either 737 or 767, can't remember which!
I had loads of things I wanted to do, and I wrote a list and have done some of them. I haven't yet learned to sing like Dolly Parton much to my chagrin. I might need to write a new list!
my other thing is being a evil dictator
Do you get any practice Lolo?
i wish as i know where i'd put all the junkies & alkies
Lol lolo . Join the club Evil dictator sounds good .
As for what to do with them . all those football stadiums empty half the time.

Todays entertainment .......Peckham hardboys v Shordich nutters . 4 cars each side, machine guns live drive byes .40000 people cheering them on .make a fortune lol
could have a secret sniper hidden lol
Could I throw in the odd hand grenade?

I know you are evil dictators and all, but could you have an escape route that only one person can use? So the person who wants to redeem themselves enough gets a second chance. It might be interesting to see if they would fight for the escape option, or if they are too far gone. If the escapee re-offends, they get thrown into the next spectacular and no second chances.
oh shy no 2nd chances here its playtime
Ive always not to be used in a photo/video shoot for really hot escorts profile wearing a mask ideally.
Oh dear that sex related.
I really want to have the money to start my own business.
(23-05-2011, 13:10)niceguy27!! Wrote: Ive always not to be used in a photo/video shoot for really hot escorts profile wearing a mask ideally.
Oh dear that sex related.
I really want to have the money to start my own business.

yeah & its the death penalty for mentioning it

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