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What's the strangest thing you've been offered in return for services
I once had my flat painted & inbuilt sound system with music in every room in return for services which was fantastic!
The worse is when they say if you see them for free they will leave you an excellent review pffffft!
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(30-12-2011, 12:10)curvy crumpet Wrote: The worse is when they say if you see them for free they will leave you an excellent review pffffft!

I would like to think that nobody would be quite so naive to misplace their trust in this way, but realise this is most likely not the case!
(30-12-2011, 14:10)kinkydirtybitch Wrote:
(30-12-2011, 12:10)curvy crumpet Wrote: The worse is when they say if you see them for free they will leave you an excellent review pffffft!

I would like to think that nobody would be quite so naive to misplace their trust in this way, but realise this is most likely not the case!

Unfortunately I am quite shocked on a daily basis to read how naive some of the girls can be when it comes to their services or the promises clients make them.

I have been pretty business savy since becoming an escort probably due to the fact that i became one at such a late age of 35 but I take every thing a clients says or promises they make with a pinch of salt and nobody gets anything for free Smile
I used to be snow white but drifted...

I'm assuming quite a few of us have had that offer from a guy offering a rent free room and home cooked curry in exchange for a little adult play! I dont even like curry! If he said cheescake then i would've taken him up on his offer! Big Grin
once a guy tried to get to see him for " high end vitamins" telling me a beautiful upscale friend of mine saw him for a used vacuum lol
I had some wretched thing try to acquire a session in exchange for, and I quote "a wee bottle of jimmy choo!" . When I told him that the bank would not accept a deposit of said 'wee bottle of jimmy choo' he said "Aye, but y'll smell nice!". I found it even more hilarious when I discovered it was sex he was trying to barter for. I wouldn't give someone an hour of my TIME for that let alone an hour of my body!

Jesus wept.
When I used to work on DirectCam, I used to get guys telling me I should see them for free because they have such a HUGE cock!
(14-01-2012, 09:12)EliteAnnalise Wrote: When I used to work on DirectCam, I used to get guys telling me I should see them for free because they have such a HUGE cock!

I get that despite Me being a Dominatrix. My response is usually; "foreskin does NOT count towards cock length - loser!"Wink
(17-01-2012, 17:32)mistresscristal Wrote:
(14-01-2012, 09:12)EliteAnnalise Wrote: When I used to work on DirectCam, I used to get guys telling me I should see them for free because they have such a HUGE cock!

I get that despite Me being a Dominatrix. My response is usually; "foreskin does NOT count towards cock length - loser!"Wink

And of course you've never seen a huge cock before, so it would be such a novelty and it would give you sooooooo much pleasure. How could any woman say no? Wink

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