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the worst?
These stupid pranksters just don't think of the wider consequences of their actions.

It would be quite good fun to find out where the bloke lives and send a really terrifying, ball breaking dominatrix round to sort him out!!
I just want to have fun Tongue
Well this is possibly one of the worst mishaps to happen to a client during a phone booking...
I have had a fair few exceptionally bad bookings over the years

This is probably the worst and not to long ago. I was visiting a lady in a hotel and she had a punter/boyfriend not sure who it was. Who got her room number and made himself annoying outside the room. He had brought her flowers a card and lots of other gifts and left them outside the room for her and kept declaring his undying love for her.
There was no way out other than to wait until he had left what made it worse was he was a policeman from London so she had said
I could not wait to get out of there when he eventually said he was leaving it was midnight and i had to wait awhile before leaving and did not get out until just before 1am needless to say nothing happened during the evening as he got there almost the same time as I did.

When I did leave I saw his shadowy figure in the car park trying to hide behind a wall I have seen her about a few times and she has always been with this bloke
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

Hmm Freddo, not a pleasant experience at all - just imagine if you had to get back by a certain time!!

(25-10-2011, 23:33)Poshprat Wrote: These stupid pranksters just don't think of the wider consequences of their actions.

It would be quite good fun to find out where the bloke lives and send a really terrifying, ball breaking dominatrix round to sort him out!!

I'd volunteer for that.
Perhaps we could set up an AWForum emergency response team to sort out these prats!
I just want to have fun Tongue
A long time ago I once visited a lady who had a menu everytime you went a bit further it cost more. Wasn't tols before we started but tried to kiss her stopped thats an extra £10 so thought try something else went to take her bra off stopped and she said thats £10 extra
Got fed up and bored and left
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(27-10-2011, 07:37)Freddo Wrote: A long time ago I once visited a lady who had a menu everytime you went a bit further it cost more. Wasn't tols before we started but tried to kiss her stopped thats an extra £10 so thought try something else went to take her bra off stopped and she said thats £10 extra
Got fed up and bored and left

That's extremely cheeky. What on earth did she think she was doing?

(25-10-2011, 13:09)tinkerbell Wrote: ok so we all go on about the perfect bookings and all this sexy stuff.

what would be the worst thing to happen during a booking?????

For me it would be meeting "Laudanum".
(27-10-2011, 07:37)Freddo Wrote: A long time ago I once visited a lady who had a menu everytime you went a bit further it cost more. Wasn't tols before we started but tried to kiss her stopped thats an extra £10 so thought try something else went to take her bra off stopped and she said thats £10 extra
Got fed up and bored and left

That's awful Freddo. Quite apart from anything else it takes away from any spontaneity. But then I suppose there are girls that don't enjoy doing the job, and see it pure and simple as a business like a restaurant.

What they fail to realise is that they are killing their business. Just like any business which is successful, you have to deliver with passion tobe successful. It's just the same as going into a shop and being cold-shouldered by the so-called shop assistant.
I just want to have fun Tongue

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