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Emotional detachment
to be truthful i do my own thing with regards to escorting if i get close its my business no one elses
My long term regulars know my real name, I discuss my family life openly with them and vice versa that is only due to the fact that I have known them for 4 years and we tend to go out for meals etc. A long term client will not be a long term client unless he knows you inside and out but knows where the line is drawn and to never cross it or to expect anything more than a client and escort relationship.

But I have also found that I am able to have stable friendship with my clients.

As for "needy" clients sometimes you have to be careful how you deal with their feelings as if ever they feel that you have offended them they can be spiteful characters.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(14-09-2011, 21:03)lolo Wrote: to be truthful i do my own thing with regards to escorting if i get close its my business no one elses

That is exactly what makes us different from each other and gives us our own individuality none of us deal with situations or clients in the same way. Smile

I used to be snow white but drifted...

(14-09-2011, 21:03)lolo Wrote: to be truthful i do my own thing with regards to escorting if i get close its my business no one elses

It is always your own buisness who you get close to and definately not to talk about in a open forum I struggle talking about the ladies I have seen especially if I was on a forum with them It always comes out eventually.
i have shared forum space with a few ladies I have seen
But there is no way I would talk about a escort that I might be close to that is between us

Any client can cause you problems and you would be niave to think it is only the needy ones that become a problem You can upset a unstable person with very little effort
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(14-09-2011, 23:05)Freddo Wrote: You can upset a unstable person with very little effort

Isn't that the truth!

(14-09-2011, 23:20)MrSmith767 Wrote:
(14-09-2011, 23:05)Freddo Wrote: You can upset a unstable person with very little effort

Isn't that the truth!

The voice of experience?!
(14-09-2011, 23:28)SassyAnn Wrote:
(14-09-2011, 23:20)MrSmith767 Wrote:
(14-09-2011, 23:05)Freddo Wrote: You can upset a unstable person with very little effort

Isn't that the truth!

The voice of experience?!
Yes, I might tell you privately sometime! (if you ask nicely lol)

well if im honestly, i dont love my OH,

ive been in an 8 yr relationship and it was way to much for me to deal with in the end the way i was treated, and it has scared me a little bit, i dont let anyone in at all, very loving to my OH and he the same, but i dont love him yet, or have never loved anyone

i keep escort life and real life very seperate, i dont see clients as friends or peraonal assosiates, im very clean cut with boundries and i expect them to be the same.....

i have a charecter behind closed doors which is tinkerbell, but otherwise, my real self nd im 2 very different people

the thing i love, is my ever growing handbag collection

louis vuitton never broke my heart,


I am relationship phobic, the mere thought of one makes me get into a cold sweat, so I panic if things get a little cosy/intense with anyone, client or not.

I'm not sure if I agree that a regular needs to know you inside out to remain a regular. I do have some lovely regulars who actually know very little about me indeed, but for them I am fulfilling a fantasy and to bring them into my real world, would actually spoil it and then they would have to see someone else. It really is a matter of horses for courses. No two people are the same.

I bought a new bright red handbag last week, but it was £14.99 so don't think it ihas louis vuitton in the lining lol. I was still chuffed to bits with my purchase.
(15-09-2011, 08:29)t.i.n.k.e.r.b.e.l.l Wrote: i think thats right kate, they are your regulars because they like what your doing behind closed doors not what your doing in your everyday life

yay!!!! red handbags are pretty

I have 3! Big Grin

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