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Cock rings
I might have punched his lights out Lolo, never mind his knackers.
Could you not stop him lolo? That sounds awful.
Memo to self - if ever I meet Ann, be gentle otherwise she could get violent Confused
(20-07-2011, 07:25)CurvaceousKate Wrote: Could you not stop him lolo? That sounds awful.

nope i had shown him what to do, then the next thing i just felt it battering off my clit, his excuse he didnt realise the weight of it, i think at that min i twisted his balls that much they nearly broke off in my hand
(20-07-2011, 09:41)monty69 Wrote: Memo to self - if ever I meet Ann, be gentle otherwise she could get violent Confused

Yes, spank or whip only if invited to do so..... otherwise "Cave violatae" - beware of the violated!
I think you handled that well in that case Lolo (pardon the pun).
I'm not a fan of the silicone ones, especially if you have some girth.
Also, their are health implications in their use for extended time, and they shouldn't be used if you have diabetes.
If you are a BHM, then ask your Doc for a blood glucose test to make sure you haven't got undiagnosed Type ll before using them on a regular basis.

What is a BHM? David, well done for managing to get a thread back on topic.
Gold star! You'll have your work cut out for you though.
Well Ann the internet is an amazing thing - the best definition I got was BHM - Big Handsome Man! WTF??

Guess it means what I used to be, rather large, well overweight!
your now a tall handsome man monty

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