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are we as discreet as we think we are
She sounds great does she want another adopted grandaughter.

The good thing is though that she seems very open minded about it which is a lot more than the majority of younger people are
Lolo, what a great lady she is and the girls that she knows about should perhaps be grateful that they have a sort of guardian angel looking after them. With her being so interested in what is going on, she would also be handy if something went wrong. She does sound the type of lady that wouldnt be backward about coming forward if something bad happened.
Lol not sure that she is looking after them, more using them as a source of entertainment. Sounds like the local ladies enjoy seeing all the comings and goings, but actually they should be way more discreet than they are being and I hope they are not claiming the dole or they could find themselves in big trouble.
thats the way i see it kate, she is a gossip so loves being nosy likes to know everything that is going on around her
(02-08-2011, 12:19)lolo Wrote: thats the way i see it kate, she is a gossip so loves being nosy likes to know everything that is going on around her

I dont really see that as a bad thing though. Granted the ladies need to be more descrete but her nosiness might be of benefit if there was a problem. Clearly she doesnt have a problem with the carry ons otherwise they would have been reported already.
I'm not sure Monty. She may make a great witness should some thing happen, or she may decide that she doesn't want to get involved and deny having seen anything. Yes she has no malice against the ladies and she is a lovely woman by the sound of it, but it doesn't mean she is interested enough to get involved and she is too old to help other than call the police.
Well calling the police would be something but I do understand where you are coming from.

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