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Hello To ALL you Naughty Peeps
Hi Pho3nix nice to have you here
Hello and welcome to the forum Pho3nix Big Grin
Welcome to our lovely home Pho3nix. Lovely to have someone with different experiences to add to our whealth of fun and frolics. Kate x
Hello Pho3nix - and don't think you can come on here starting threads left right and centre re your real passion - fast italian cars!!!!

No seriously welcome.
Hi and a warm warm welcome to the forum Pho3nix. Nice to have you here. x
Hi Pho3nix, welcome to the forum. You have a great profile on AW
(08-08-2011, 06:06)lucy7 Wrote: Well hello.
I sort of know your name already.....
Spotted it giving a negative feedback to a guy who wasted your time who has been nagging me to meet with him also....."pieface" something or the other!

A warm welcome to you.
Lucy x

Hiya there, yeah the git books me 3 days in advance, I confirmed via email and txt and he texted back and it was all confirmed!
When it came to the day, and time he was supposed to be here, he didnt turn up! I waited a little and text him, and was suprised that he text back to say he was stuck in traffic in durham and that he had lost my number - Funny when my number was sent by confirmation email and he hadnt deleted it and he had already logged into AW on the same day he was supposed to show for the appointment!! and to this day he hasnt deleted the confirmation email, the others have been deleted but that one, he could of also disputed my feedback, but hasnt!! - Strange guy alltogether LOL

Hugs and kisses
(08-08-2011, 22:44)Hicky Wrote: Hello Pho3nix - and don't think you can come on here starting threads left right and centre re your real passion - fast italian cars!!!!

No seriously welcome.

Hmmm how do you know I like italian cars LOL Big Grin- I do have one LOL an Alfa 156 2litre TSpark.

My main passion for cars are the American Muscle cars, my Phoenix on my back is the one off the 1977 Pontiac Trans Am Smile

Thanks for the Welcome hun Smile xx

Keep it hard and Horny
Phoenix. XXX

"I have the uncanny ability to be reborn from ashes, Destroy me, I will be risen. Burn me, I was made of fire"

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