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Keeping emotions in check
Without blowing my own trumpet (not a contortionist!) whenever I go on a meet I look for mutual satisfaction. No good if the lady truly isnt as turned on as me. I love giving oral almost more than penetration and nothing pleases me more than the lady cumming!

A meet for me has to be fun, not a chore. I like to click with the lady, no point going on if you dont is there. I also readily acknowledge I have been very lucky to date!
(13-07-2011, 06:58)monty69 Wrote: Without blowing my own trumpet (not a contortionist!) whenever I go on a meet I look for mutual satisfaction. No good if the lady truly isnt as turned on as me. I love giving oral almost more than penetration and nothing pleases me more than the lady cumming!

A meet for me has to be fun, not a chore. I like to click with the lady, no point going on if you dont is there. I also readily acknowledge I have been very lucky to date!

Most of my bookings are like this Monty, which is exactly the way I like them. I enjoy the company and we have great sex, but this does not really include 'tenderness' which is the word I gave to him, as why he was unique. He has a real tenderness about him that makes you feel totally enveloped, very loving.

To be honest I couldn't cope if too many people are like him and I would much rather have the normal experience of fun and friendship, although I did ask him if he would like to be my gimp, but he declined, which is probably just as well, as I don't have a box to put him in at the moment.

It's funny when I think back to past experiences, I have met men like him before, but I have usually opened up to their needs and recognised that they are lacking in love etc and I try and compensate for that for them. This is the first time that their energy has made me feel lacking in love. I think he has some kind of magic powers. Maybe he is into voodoo? Either way it was a lovely feeling when it lasted and I shall see how it feels next time I see him.
Next time. Ah well there's the rub. When we are seeing someone new in civilian life we tend to do so again within a day or two and then often after that. We often get carried away on a wave of emotion which can go on for months sucking us in until we have time to reflect.
But punting is different - the gaps between meets are longer so we have more time to pause think and reflect. This helps is think about and balance or emotional responses which is exactly what you are doing Kate. The consequence can be that you rationalise your response next time and it feels quite different. Not better or worse but different.
I think you are right Hicky. I don't have a clue when I will see him again and would not dream of contacting him. It is purely the emotion that I am focussing on and in a way he is just the vessel that I got it from. He could be anyone. I know very little about him.

I certainly don't feel anything for him as a person, although of course if he does become a regular I'm sure I will be fond of him, but it has enlightened me to a need that I did not realise I had or had been lacking in my life.

Still 5 year plan and all that. I'm getting a lot of things from this job and am learning so much about myself. Hopefully I'll come out of it the other end a more rounded human being and a little less selfish and a lot more able to compromise, which I believe is one of my weak spots.
Bah - compromise is vastly over-rated Kate. Be yourself.
You wouldn't say that if you new my history with men lol. My check list for dating is soooo long, it's almost impossible to find anyone. Compromise is a must.
Sadly you cannot use a sort search on men Kate!

And if you could most of us would be rejected on the first sort!
Hmmm that maybe what was happening lol.
Despite what you say Kate, it is good to be picky. Last thing you need is someone that, after a short while, you couldnt stand being with!

I am lucky second time round but I did see a few before!
True Monty, which doesn't really help my cause. That is why compromise is better than wanton abandonment. I have never dated anyone just because I didn't want to be alone, or because I wanted a baby (which I did for years) even my ex I would not get pregnant without his consent, as I don't believe in compromising other people either. I've never dated anyone because my friends thought I should (blind date scenario) or just because I was asked.

It does have to feel right, but I think where I have changed or am changing is my perception of what is right for me. I have met many men that I would not have looked at twice before Escorting and found a real joy while being with them and have seen their inner beauty. I think I need to pull on this fact and allow people the opportunity to show me what they are really made of before dismissing them.

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