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Keeping emotions in check - English Kate - 12-07-2011

I've just seen the chap from Glasgow again and I don't know why but when he left I felt an incredible urge to cry and sobbed for a second or two. I was fine after and went about my business changing the duvet cover etc and tidying up the apartment.

On reflection I have to admit that there is a real tenderness to him. He spends most of his time DATY (which is incredible) but his kisses are so soft and his hands are constantly stroking my body or hugging me and I did for a moment feel cared for.

When it was time to leave he handed me an extra £20 and said it was for me to spend on myself, which probably didn't help my already softened mood.

To stop this being all about me, I want to ask the question to the girls. Do you have any clients that make you feel that special, that you could almost get carried away with the moment? And what did they do to make you feel that way?

To the men. Have you met any Escorts that totally made you forget that it was a business arrangement and for the monent you were together at least, felt there was a special connection between the two of you? If so, how did she differ from the rest?

RE: Keeping emotions in check - monty69 - 12-07-2011

Well I met one the other day that I really felt comfortable with. She and I clicked immediately and the whole meet was just great. I paid for an hour, had to go after 1 3/4 hours and she didnt really want me to go then either. I guess that is probably the sort of thing you mean Kate.

RE: Keeping emotions in check - jayzee77 - 12-07-2011

Do you find it emotionally draining at times? (sorry of topic)

RE: Keeping emotions in check - Johnhomes65 - 12-07-2011

I had one a while back that I really clicked with. It started heading in an emotional direction very rapidly but as she charges top money my miserly streak prevented further meetings.

RE: Keeping emotions in check - English Kate - 12-07-2011

lol I think the miserly streak is what keeps us in check though John, so not necessarily a bad thing.

It was more than that Monty. I normally click with clients, I guess I'm just lucky like that and I had a great time with my reg before him, but it was not emotionally charged. Perhaps due to being more role play.

What do I mean?

As soon as he came into my apartment he started kissing me like he was hungry for me, not just passionate, but soft and sensual kisses that made me feel like I was greeting a lover.

When we got into the bedroom the kisses started again, but now he is touching me, stroking my body tenderly and not just going for the obvious erogenous zones. Then he spent the best part of 40 minutes licking me out. I think I came at least 3 times while he was down there.

Most men are happy for me to spend lots of time playing with their cock, whereas he was more interested in making me happy and even when we did eventually have sex, I was on top of him and we were kissing and he had his arms around me and we came within seconds of each other.

It felt weird, because I felt myself feeling like this is what I have been missing out on over the last 11 years of being single, this is probably the feeling I have been craving in my own life. I think I cried out of remorse. Possibly grieving something I've never had.

They say you don't miss something until you have had it.

I'm a little stunned by it all. I'm fine now, but I never expected to have moments like that during work, let alone real life.

Strange old world hey.

RE: Keeping emotions in check - zoekent - 12-07-2011

Yes and it hurts when he leaves .

RE: Keeping emotions in check - English Kate - 12-07-2011

The funny thing with this one Zoe, is that he isn't even my type. I would have never have thought it to look at him, but it's that bodily connection and that gorgeous voice of his. I can't wait to go back to Glasgow.

Thank you for sharing that by the way. I know we get paid well for what we do, but I really don't think that some people realise quite how much we do cope with in order to be able to do it well. Women are by nature emotional creatures and it is hard to just switch and in all honesty, any lady that completely switches offer is not likely to be offering a very good service, so you're always having to work with emotions to some degree.

RE: Keeping emotions in check - abcdef - 13-07-2011

there are quite a few i could keep

RE: Keeping emotions in check - jayzee77 - 13-07-2011

Is there a post missing somewhere? zoes post has confsed me...

RE: Keeping emotions in check - abcdef - 13-07-2011

no jay why does it confuse u