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sex education in schools
they need to change alot of things in the uk, like being able to get sterlised from puberty if u want without having to speak to useless overpaid councillors, raising the abortion limit again
It's a toughie isn't it. I gave my son some condoms when he was 16. He had been dating his gf for 9 months and I new they were serious about each other, so I guessed that it would be on the cards, so I made sure he had what he needed. Thankfully he had talked it through with his gf, who I kept forgetting was younger than him (she was very mature for her age) and had decided to wait until she was 16 (thank God!) because there is a history of ovarian cancer in her family and starting early can bring it on.

I hope he is still being sensible, although gf no. 2 is nothing like the first one. No real ambition, very relaxed about things and a lot less mature. She is lovely, I'm just not so sure she would be thinking of her future, so I hope he still is. Although I know she is on the pill, but if she is anything like me she won't get through a whole month without forgetting to take it at least once.

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