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Hey , need some advice again please
night Jodie A good night sleep may help you to see better what the problem is
you have to change the format of the file (annoying but true) make it as small as possible you might have to go and buy some softwear or download a free trial
it depends on the format and the file size, AW will set the price depending on the file size. t does say in the help section i think.
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They have a good point. I'm useless at these things, so not of much help, but I think it is to do with size. If you can decrease the size of the movie it will decrease the value. I think you can get free movie editing suites on the net if you google. Maybe just save it under another lower quality or something and it will reduce how many megabites it takes up and in turn reduce the cost.

How are you other girls saving your movies?
The price is based on the file size I'm afraid, simplest thing to do first is to reprice the clips to AW's lowest price, they will then charge the lowest amount per mb.

Use something like windows movie maker (free from microsoft if not already installed on your PC) to resize the files. There are options in the software to change file size by adjusting the resolution etc, and you can even specify a maximum size for the file to be. I think AW charge about £1 per mb.

Hope that helps

Hey everyone ,

Thanks for the help ! I have windows movie maker on my lappy so I will use that Smile (thanks mrsmith saves me hunting for a software) & of course a big thanks to everyone else Big Grin

I will get it sorted tody so I don't look to silly with my £6 2 minute videos lol

Hope u all have a lovely day Big Grin

Jodie xxxxxx
Glad to have been able to help out!

Any more questions please ask

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