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Pornstar teacher
Whilst I dont disagree with your comments John, I do acknowledge that society as a whole should bear the blame for the state of the morals of the country these days. A sweeping statement but it does encompass all aspects. I can remember being critisized for smacking my child in public for misbehaving by a do-gooder and the whole situation getting rather out of hand as others around me stood up for me. Luckily it didnt develop into anything other than a debate but the do-gooder was definitely in the minority on that occasion. What did it teach me? Well my child didnt get disciplined in public again but then she didnt misbehave again in publice either.

You do end up feeling the criminal because you want to discipline your children and teach the rights and wrongs of the world and yet others are happy to critisize you for doing so. Often wondered what their opinions would be if your child went on to throw a brick through their window!

I still feel that people should be able to indulge in what they want in private (as long as it isnt illegal) and that others, including the Media, should respect people's privacy. I also think that the Media demand too much access for all sorts of things. A good example is what I heard on the news this morning. Apparently the government is considering televising the sentencing of people in court. Why do we really want to see that? It all seems very unnecessary to me. If you want to televise court proceedings, why not televise the lot. We cant because it contravines human rights (and to my mind quite rightly so) I think that we should keep well out of the courts and let the experts get on with their jobs.

Ooops, gone on a little. Best put the soapbox away before I make a fool of myself!
(06-09-2011, 09:05)monty69 Wrote: Whilst I dont disagree with your comments John, I do acknowledge that society as a whole should bear the blame for the state of the morals of the country these days. A sweeping statement but it does encompass all aspects. I can remember being critisized for smacking my child in public for misbehaving by a do-gooder and the whole situation getting rather out of hand as others around me stood up for me. Luckily it didnt develop into anything other than a debate but the do-gooder was definitely in the minority on that occasion. What did it teach me? Well my child didnt get disciplined in public again but then she didnt misbehave again in publice either.

You do end up feeling the criminal because you want to discipline your children and teach the rights and wrongs of the world and yet others are happy to critisize you for doing so. Often wondered what their opinions would be if your child went on to throw a brick through their window!

I still feel that people should be able to indulge in what they want in private (as long as it isnt illegal) and that others, including the Media, should respect people's privacy. I also think that the Media demand too much access for all sorts of things. A good example is what I heard on the news this morning. Apparently the government is considering televising the sentencing of people in court. Why do we really want to see that? It all seems very unnecessary to me. If you want to televise court proceedings, why not televise the lot. We cant because it contravines human rights (and to my mind quite rightly so) I think that we should keep well out of the courts and let the experts get on with their jobs.

Ooops, gone on a little. Best put the soapbox away before I make a fool of myself!

This leads on to another problem we have today. Any form of physical discipline is immediately classed as child abuse, which means there is no respect for Teachers within schools or the police in the community. On a rebound there is no respect show by the police for youths. My son is often telling me of Police approaching him and accusing him of 'loitering' and asking to see inside his rucksack for absolutely no reason. Apparently one Policeman who requested to see inside his bag when asked why, said it was due to the fact that he was loitering with intent. How stupid is that? Why can't they just let lads that are doing no harm carry on their business and sort out the ones that are really causing problems? My son has lost all respect for the Police due to the interaction he has had with them.

I know of one school where the Head Teacher was quite old school and if a child stepped out of place they would be sent to her, where she would grill them and take away privilidges. The school was tough, but there was an air of respect and team work within the staff. When she left a Head Master came along who was very pc and within a matter of months the children were running riot. He would never grill them but look for the deeper reason for their misbehaviour and you would find the children sat on a sofa playing cards, while the rest of the children were out in the wind and cold freezing in the playground. It makes no sense whatsoever and of course the children who were already testing boundaries continued to get worse.

No one agrees with corporal punishment (well the majority don't) but there do need to be real consequences for actions and that way the Police would not make assumptions that every youth on the street is there to make trouble and teenagers would show respect to adults again. Reasonable control and punishments should be acceptable. I don't agree with not being able to give a crying child a hug either. I personally can not stand back and not hug a child who needs emotional support and as a parent I would want my child to be given the care that they need and not left to cry on their own.

It's all wrong.

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