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Less Talk Daily Pay SCAM
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could help, I did respond to a post regarding Less Talk Daily Pay group as another member of AW was having the same problems as me but today things have got a hell of a lot worse.

I requested to leave the group on the 26th February 2017 in which they replied I would have to wait 2 weeks for pending transfers so they agreed my account would be released from the group on March 14th, I was not informed that I had to wait so long before I joined the group along with other previous problems I have had with them stating my account would be deleted once I am released from the group etc etc.

They stated on the 26th February that no more payouts would be received and no more group transfers would be made so that I would be able to be released from the group on the 14th March, so I have continued working on Adultwork wishing the 14th would hurry so I would be released from the group and become an independent profile again.

Yet I woke up this morning (12/03/17) 2 days before they are due to release me from the group to find they have done a Group Transfer for all of my credits 1837.81 is there anything I can do as I have various messages from the group manager stating that no more transfers would be made etc but I am guessing now I have got to wait another 2 weeks until my account is released from the group.

If I were to contact the webmaster would he be of any help at all?


"they replied I would have to wait 2 weeks for pending transfers" = to protect the credits they have paid you for groups can sometimes do this, when you join another group, if the new group manager is dodgy, they can mess about with the credits. It should be more visible that this waiting time may occur though.

"account would be deleted once I am released from the group" = this is quite common among groups, you have to be really careful with who you join. In this particular case your account will be fine, but for others reading this thinking of joining a random group, be very careful as you effectively hand ownership of your account to the group manager.

Webmaster wont be able to help no, AW hand all ownership to the the group manager.

We will check on the issue with the group manager and find the solution for you.

You have nothing to worry about at all and shouldnt worry. It will all be handled.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

(12-03-2017, 12:45)admin Wrote: Hi,

"they replied I would have to wait 2 weeks for pending transfers" = to protect the credits they have paid you for groups can sometimes do this, when you join another group, if the new group manager is dodgy, they can mess about with the credits. It should be more visible that this waiting time may occur though.

"account would be deleted once I am released from the group" = this is quite common among groups, you have to be really careful with who you join. In this particular case your account will be fine, but for others reading this thinking of joining a random group, be very careful as you effectively hand ownership of your account to the group manager.

Webmaster wont be able to help no, AW hand all ownership to the the group manager.

We will check on the issue with the group manager and find the solution for you.

You have nothing to worry about at all and shouldnt worry. It will all be handled.

I have sent the group manager a message asking that they make a daily pay transfer to me today as obviously I am still in the group. What do I do if they don't transfer the money owed to me, is there anything I can do?
I have sent the group manager a message asking that they make a daily pay transfer to me today as obviously I am still in the group. What do I do if they don't transfer the money owed to me, is there anything I can do?
Hi, all money will be fine, transfer was possibly due to a name change they say.

Checking solutions for the group transfer at the moment.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Hi, payment is being made in full to you and the release date will stay the same as the original date for you.

Be careful if joining another group, some groups stick to the rules but most wont and me nor AW will be able to help with difficulties.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Hi Admin,

When you say my release date will stay the same as the original release date, does this mean they will release me from the group on Tuesday 14th March as they didn't say anything about that to me?

They have now sent payment for earnings they transferred this morning and they are transferring the last of my credits tomorrow.
Thank you for all of your help it is much appreciated.

When I am released will I be able to keep my profile as I do worry now that the group manager owns my profile he will in future be able to get back into my account at any time even when they do release me from the group?
Hi, "does this mean they will release me from the group on Tuesday 14th March" = I believe so yes.

Once released, the profile is fully yours and no one else has a say in it.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Will I be able to change bank payment details once I have been released or will I have to wait until pending transfers have been completed and sent to the group manager?
Hi, you will be able to instantly make a payout to your own details yes.

You can only change details when making an actual payout.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday


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