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UK Punting!
I've realised that put together the fake reviews of HL, P, U and his aliases comes to almost 100, that's 100 fake reviews from just three people and it's probably just the tip of the iceberg, I just do not understand how they get away with it for so long when in some cases it's blatantly obvious it's a child .
I'm grateful to the person who brought this UKpunting review to my attention and yes I have seen others like it but yours is a particularly good example of how far this site can slip into the world of fantasy.

Any internet forum on any subject can attract trolls and fantasists I even saw a fantasist revealed on a forum about architecture a couple of weeks ago but sites about payed sex probably attract more than most but even in this area UKpunting stands out on it's own, on most sites the fakers are usually lone wolves and are quickly spotted but on UKpunting they hunt in packs fueling the fantasy to another level.

The review in question is from back in March, I call it a review but it appears to end with the reviewer admitting it's a load of bullshit but despite that it's not been deleted as you would expect, anyway this thread sees posts from two who claim to be millionaires and one a top Barrister, the Barrister appears to have convinced other members he's for real by using a cartoon avatar of someone dressed in legal robes.........brilliant that nearly had me fooled as well lol. I often feel sorry for real punters on this site and yes there are some, occasionally they try and inject a little reality into these threads but usually end up retreating in defeat. By knowingly allowing fake reviews and not deleting the reviews of those found to be fakes UKpunting is deliberately misleading punters and there is no excuse for that.

Another big issue on this site is the casual outing of wgs by allowing links to their personal social media, once again I really don't think that it's real punters who are usually responsible for this as a genuine punter would know that if he outed a wg she may quit and that would be harming the interests of other punters, her clients. I'm afraid that those responsible for this are the children who infest the site and that issue needs to be addressed urgently. Whether your a punter or a wg disrcession and even anonymity can be hugely important UKpunting has changed the rules where these things are concerned.

I've noticed that some of the members I do have respect for seem to have gone missing recently and are turning up on the fee paying sites because these places have a far smaller problem with fakers and you know your talking to real punters.
Well my Barrister friend from the previous post has decided to retire from punting (did he ever start) and he's changed his avatar as well, I wonder why? lol. But in true fantasy style the reason he gives for retirement in a thread in the London section is an absolute corker, wait for it.............he's contracted not one but two STDs I shit you not. Now the last time I looked this thread had drawn comments from 25 punters and I use that term loosely and one wg but only one of those contributors has cast any doubt on his story. Now even if these people are real punters and I have doubts about several of them why would I be interested in reading the reviews and opinions of such gullible people, they would probably have trouble noticing if Charleze Theron's pictures had been used as a bait and switch for Susan Boyle. And do you remember "HL" and "P" from one of my previous posts and how I said you can spot fakes because their always drawn to the more lively or controversial threads, well they did not disappoint because yes you've guessed it they turned up on this thread as well, what a surprise.

The Barrister has been clever because even though he's calling it a day he will know that his reason for quitting will have a legacy, you will now get other fakes starting threads or posting comments on reviews about the women the Barrister has seen saying how they will not visit these women because there's a chance that he caught his imaginary diseases from or gave them to these women and so slurring the names of these innocent wgs and that's disgraceful. Bullshit feeds bullshit and it's the engine that drives UKpunting.

Has he really gone, of course he hasn't he's just done a deal with admin to spare both himself and the site from further embarrassment by ditching his old account and starting a new one, but don't worry he should still be easy to spot just look out for the person who says he's a brain surgeon or rocket scientist or Secretary General of the UN or something, this has happened plenty of times before and with permission you are aloud to have more than one active account, that's dishonest of course because it allows you to write two reviews for the same wg that appear to come from different people and you can use your second account to seemingly add verification of your reviews and posts.

My virtual friends from other punting forums would like me to point out that there are some real and hugely experienced punters on UKpunting who's reviews and posts you can take seriously but unfortunately IMO they are few and far between and in some cases as with the very experienced punter who was fooled by a child their judgement seems to become impaired the longer they've been on the site.

The sites motto is "...where the punter comes first" well I don't think feeding them a diet of bullshit and treating them like idiots is putting them first, UKpunting has a fatal flaw and that is the failure to scrutinise reviews before their published as this makes it a magnet for fantasists and Trolls. UKpunting knowingly allows fake reviews and that means they are deliberately conning punters, unless you already know the author of a review on this site is for real you can't trust them.
(14-07-2013, 12:09)clairexxx1991 Wrote: Hi all...ladies should be seen and not heard on uk punting hehe x

One forum I followed but hadn't joined was uk punting. Now I know why I never joined!

This morning I decided to join and give my opinions about a few things I'd noticed.....
I wasn't abusive but to the point, and okay, I mentioned some names which perhaps was a mistake, but after only 5 posts they banned me Sad

Anyone else followed anything on there?
How do you find them?

I would post the thread link here but now I'm banned I can't even see the forum as a guest!!
It was just called 'prossienet' in their top UK Punting forum

(12-06-2015, 14:01)Nova70 Wrote: Has he really gone, of course he hasn't he's just done a deal with admin to spare both himself and the site from further embarrassment by ditching his old account and starting a new one

What is it with you guys and your "conspiracy" theories? He may be acting totally on his own and be just another Muppet punter like 90% of the rest of them.

Does it really matter that much to you? is your life so empty that all you can do is whinge and whine all the time about things that really do not matter to anybody but yourself?

As I have said many times before, girls on here can be traced to who they are, every time I post to a forum / site it is well known it is me. my posts link back to my own site / AW page. people know who I am.

Who are you? Are you a "Troll"?

Are you really a punter? Where are the reviews on sites that you have written about girls that you visited? Why don't you link to your AW profile to show who you are, have you even bothered putting anything on your AW profile, or is it left blank like 90% of most guys.

Sarah x x x
(12-06-2015, 19:47)wife4rent Wrote:
(12-06-2015, 14:01)Nova70 Wrote: Has he really gone, of course he hasn't he's just done a deal with admin to spare both himself and the site from further embarrassment by ditching his old account and starting a new one

What is it with you guys and your "conspiracy" theories? He may be acting totally on his own and be just another Muppet punter like 90% of the rest of them.

Does it really matter that much to you? is your life so empty that all you can do is whinge and whine all the time about things that really do not matter to anybody but yourself?

As I have said many times before, girls on here can be traced to who they are, every time I post to a forum / site it is well known it is me. my posts link back to my own site / AW page. people know who I am.

Who are you? Are you a "Troll"?

Are you really a punter? Where are the reviews on sites that you have written about girls that you visited? Why don't you link to your AW profile to show who you are, have you even bothered putting anything on your AW profile, or is it left blank like 90% of most guys.

Sarah x x x

Is this your WILL YOU LIFT MY BAN ON UKPUNTING speech Sarah lol.

Well I am a real punter and in time when I know I can trust you I will give you my AW details perhaps we can do that via a third party, of course you link your AW profile that's advertising. As for reviews well I use different names on different sites and prefer to stay anonymous as reviews should be written without fear or favour, I never write reviews immediately after the event and never in sequence this prevents wgs from comparing your AW feedback to the list of reviews posted by members of forums.

Am I a Troll, well a Troll is defined as someone who's posts are deliberately offensive and provocative, I don't think that anybody viewing my posts on this site could accuse me of that, as for you Sarah well you do have a habit of labeling anyone you don't agree with an idiot which is a far more Trollish attitude.

As for my posts concerning UKpunting the first was simply a response to someone who had been banned very quickly and posted on this thread, I said something about the site not being rated amongst real punters because of the fantasy element, after making that post I thought I should back that statement up by drawing attention to a sample of the sites fake contributors. Now I would have left it alone at that point but the Barrister was obviously aware of my comments about him because first he changed his avatar and then wrote that ridiculous piece about catching STDs, there is a very serious matter to consider here Sarah and I made this point in the post, other UKpunting members will make connections between the Barrister's fake diseases and the women he's visited hopefully my post will counteract that.

As for the other issues I've raised well if people want to PM me I will supply the full usernames of those UKpunting members I've mentioned and you can go to the site and decide for yourself, is "U" a child who managed to notch up 17 reviews are "HL" and "P" just a pair of fakers always drawn to the silly stuff and is the Barrister really a Barrister who has just caught two STDs lol.

My gripe with UKpunting is the fact it treats punters like idiots but that's your opinion of us to isn't Sarah, perhaps your secretly the admin on UKpunting.
Oh flamin' heck.

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond

(13-06-2015, 06:25)Nova70 Wrote: Is this your WILL YOU LIFT MY BAN ON UKPUNTING speech Sarah lol.

You worked it out at last...

Sarah x x x
Given the fact that Puntico (the "barrister") has commented on legal issues several times, I see no reason not to assume that he is what he claims to be. And his reason for giving up (two notoriously infectious STI's, both manifesting during a period when his immune system is compromised by bowel cancer treatment) is also entirely plausible.
(13-06-2015, 18:45)Simon Wrote: Given the fact that Puntico (the "barrister") has commented on legal issues several times, I see no reason not to assume that he is what he claims to be. And his reason for giving up (two notoriously infectious STI's, both manifesting during a period when his immune system is compromised by bowel cancer treatment) is also entirely plausible.

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here Simon, are you a member of UK Punting lol.

Simon you have overlooked one crucial fact here, you used this man's actual username I didn't and the only way he could really have been identified is because I made a joke about his avatar which was a cartoon character dressed in legal robes, Simon why did he change his avatar after my post ?. But of course he realised that was not enough and the game was up but he just couldn't resist one last hooray hence the thread about the STDs

So your convinced he really is a Barrister because he's commented on legal matters, well I know very little about the Law but go ahead and ask me a question and tomorrow I will return with the answer and I'll sound like an expert, I don't know anything about nuclear fusion or quantum mechanics either but go ahead and ask me a question about those subjects and again I will return with the answer, I'm going to let you into a secret Simon it's called Google. Let me give you some valuable life advice Simon, just because somebody seems to know what their talking about doesn't mean they actually do.

Anyone suffering from Cancer has my deepest sympathy but if you are a UK Punting member you will be aware that one or two on the site had expressed doubts about his authenticity and the Cancer thread was just a way of getting them to back off and of course a chance to be the centre of attention once again. Don't you think that he's given us too much information about himself Simon, if I developed Cancer I wouldn't be announcing it on a punting forum, why would I.

The thread about his imaginary STDs has already led to accusations about the women he's reviewed, I think that's disgusting Simon what do you think, do let us know.

So Simon while we're here why don't you give us your thoughts on "U" I'm sure you know who that is, others on UK Punting are convinced he's a pimp they think he's Sergei, I think he's a kid who's made them look foolish but they can't admit it.

Don't fall into the trap that others have fallen into on that site Simon, several punters who once commanded respect for their views and opinions have been made to look stupid because they got sucked into the bullshit and after spending too much time there they can no longer tell fact from fiction even when to those on the outside it's obvious.

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