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Many years of working in smokey atmospheres caused many people to contract cancer, yes they had 'the choice' if you can call it that to leave, but if that is their vocation what else could they do.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
Hahahaha!!!!! Yes I have been known to flip out at inanimate objects... At that point I probably light up a ciggie! Wink

I use 'Brain Sync' meditations which I download... They use different melodic tones which stimulate certain brain-waves and make it very easy for you to go in to the 'trance-like' meditative state. They really are very good... I put a 'Deep Sleep' track on my Dad's ipod... He slept straight through the night after 40 years of insomnia... He was amazed and uses it nearly every night now!

Meditation is one of those things that you have to be open to for it to work. You almost have to want it to work... That's why it's still such a mystery - even in the psychology community. We know it works but we don't know much about why it works. Bit of a chicken and egg situation. Very interesting though!
if u dont want to see smokers why do folk not just put it on their profiles as blunty as possible
(16-11-2011, 12:28)Lady_Lust_XXX Wrote: Many years of working in smokey atmospheres caused many people to contract cancer, yes they had 'the choice' if you can call it that to leave, but if that is their vocation what else could they do.

I agree with you there... That is terrible... But on the other hand they knew they were going to be working in a smoky environment before they started working there... Plenty of restaurants or cafes were non-smoking environments when you could still smoke in bars and pubs (In Australia anyway!). But still... Yes I agree with you, it is awful.

Problem solved now with the smoking bans... Which I AGREE with also, as I don't like smoking indoors.
I do put it in my profile - and bluntly too - but you know the intelligence of guys - they dont read our profiles for most things so why they gonna bother with it re smoking. Its not till they have entered our premises and we take an intake of breath that we get the stench up our nostrils. I have thrown guys out and not seen them when they have been that bad.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
i would just blunty ask them when they made contact then

the thing that bugs me from being on forums for just over 2 yrs, u always get the anti smoking escort going on about seeing smokers they wont put it on profiles incase they lose business, they should keep their gobs shut then if they arent willing to come outright & ask them before a booking is confirmed

going off topic

i dont understand why women will offer services to guys they dont feel comfy with, example while having a fag at coventry outside the young escorts were going on about after having a old guy they would puke as it repulsed them that much

they would be doing a better service saying who they would see & who they wouldnt

example age restriction, smokers, disabilty, etc ....
I do not think it is right that smokers should be banned from smoking n their own cars, nor did I agree with the smoking ban in pubs. I do think for non smokers it is better now than before but you always had a choice on if you went into a pub full of smokers or not.

I also felt that they could have made pubs etc put in air conditioning to extract the smoke and they could have tested to make sure they kept within certain limits rather than a ban

Escorts have the choice on if they see smokers, I am happy to do so but they have to understand that if they have rank breath they will not get the same service as others. But that also applies to guys who breath smells of stale beer or just do not consider oral hygiene.

It just seem like another load of nonsense we are having to put up with and as they have already mentioned where does it stop? Harder to police but maybe ban smoking in your own home?.

Of course there are arguments about health etc, but all people have the right to choose not to get in a car with a smoker as they do not to get in the car with somebody that is drunk.

Where do we get these crazy people / ideas from?

the same one where they talk bollocks about carbon footprints & the propoganda about global warming sarah
There is always the argument - what if they dropped the cigarette whilst driving. Do they start swerving all over the road and cause accident ....................

Lists are endless.

If you dont like then don't do and be considerate of others ....... but not everyone does that either ..............................
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
Such a controversial subject. It has been on Jeremy Vine Radio 2 lunch time show about smoking in cars etc got VERY heated with for and against views, so quite apt that this topic went on here.

I use to smoke gave up 8-9yrs ago I think now, but I don't mind people that do round me and close friends I allow them to smoke in my kitchen at home but I like alcohol I like a drink ( prob drink more than I should,according to the docs anyway), but I am not an alcoholic and I think it is all down to personal taste and needs and how much each individual wants to smoke, drink etc after all we all burden the nhs whether we drink smoke, drugs or do none of the 3 they are contribuatory factors to certain illnessess of life but people can get cancer etc from being t total.

They are addictable habits that some enjoy some take that stage furthur and realy on it for day to day living. That's what makes us individuals and we all have different choices and likes.


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