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I wonder why?
I'm most certainly not going to stick up for the guys who have said anything
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
i wonder why some guy who come straight from their job where they arer working with machinery & covered in oil think they shouldnt have to shower
(21-09-2011, 13:04)lolo Wrote: i wonder why some guy who come straight from their job where they arer working with machinery & covered in oil think they shouldnt have to shower

Ha ha Lolo, sounds like me 30 years ago while still a lad who hadnt quite worked out what good hygiene was!!! Pleased to say that isn't true these days.
I don't get the chance to meet a lady very often due to work and caring commitments.
So it tends to be a long drawn out logistical nightmare, sorting days off and respite care. The upside is each meeting is more than the sum of its parts, a unique event.

The lady I have chosen remains my prime focus before during and after the booking.
Comparisons can't be made and shouldn't be made. Its bad manners at the very least. But more than that its pointless.
Two people might click on a booking but there is no guarantee that it will happen in the exact same way a second time.
We are all individuals and each meeting should be enjoyed in the same spirit, on its own merits, without comparison.
Here is one for you....

Stopping at a motorway service station today, I wanted to buy a sandwich, a BLT costs £2.99, a little expensive but it looked good and I was hungry.

Wait one moment...

For £2.99 I can get a meal deal. Any sandwich, chose the above, a Kit Kat and a bottle of water...

Just went to Tesco's to get some supplies, same thing but better.

A chicken for £6.00

Wait one moment...

For only £5.00 I can get the same Chicken, a small bag of potatoes, a bag of shallots, a large pot of single cream, a bag or rosemary and a bag of tarragon

Saved a £1

The world of marketing is going mad...

i wonder why guys book when they are on call
(21-09-2011, 14:33)wife4rent Wrote: Here is one for you....

Stopping at a motorway service station today, I wanted to buy a sandwich, a BLT costs £2.99, a little expensive but it looked good and I was hungry.

Wait one moment...

For £2.99 I can get a meal deal. Any sandwich, chose the above, a Kit Kat and a bottle of water...

Just went to Tesco's to get some supplies, same thing but better.

A chicken for £6.00

Wait one moment...

For only £5.00 I can get the same Chicken, a small bag of potatoes, a bag of shallots, a large pot of single cream, a bag or rosemary and a bag of tarragon

Saved a £1

The world of marketing is going mad...


The chicken deal is bloody good Sarah Big Grin Nice one!
Here is another, but from my OH

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Why?

He just did not understand what it was all about

(21-09-2011, 04:08)CurvaceousKate Wrote: This is the 'I wonder why' thread.

If you have ever read anything, observed anything or generally thought to yourself... I wonder why? Then add it to this thread.

I think in the Escorting profession this question comes up a lot. Such as, I wonder why some men bother to make fake bookings?

I wonder why some men say they have a large c*** when they evidently don't have one.

My 'I wonder why' today is...

I wonder why men think they can discuss how much they fancy another Escort or how much of a good time they had with a different Escort when they are arranging to book you or have literally just had a booking with you. Do they not realise that we are still women and have ego's, feelings and hurt?

Thankfully it doesn't happen to me often, but on several occassions I have had to tell a client that if they continue a certain conversation then I will have to cancel the booking, because I need to feel special while I'm with him and can't do that when I am comparing myself to his last or next conquest.

So... boys, if you have ever done this. Why? What makes you treat an Escort any differently to your OH when it comes to emotions? Do you really think we are dead from the head up?

I am really interested in your reaction, because it reveals how important it is to you that the client cares about your feelings, and that you have a desire to be the only escort the client sees.

I will admit that I have been guilty of this sin, and hadn't realised the affect of doing so. After all the whole point of seeing an escort is to try to have a no-strings experience. From my perspective I don't think for a minute that one girl is better or worse than another, nor do I see them as conquests. After all it's not much of a conquest if you have to pay for it!

BUT what I enjoy is the variety offered, I hope I don't judge one girl against another - each has their own merits. And I love each experience as much as the next and the last, and indeed each girl. I suppose because men don't really feel jealousy they can't understand why a girl might feel this way. Us guys have a lot to learn about you girls that's for certain!!

I just want to have fun Tongue
Having read the other guys posts on here I am utterly mortified by my own insensitivity, and it explains why I have had a somewhat chilly response from a couple of my favourite girls.

This just proves the value of this forum for teaching good manners, so thank you everyone!!
I just want to have fun Tongue

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