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I have a brain like a sieve with very big holes in it. I'm always telling people not to rely on me to remind them, as they will have to remind me to remind them. There is never any motive behind me not contacting people other than my stupid brain is full to capacity and it's slipped out of the net and been forgotten.

Perhaps she has a lot on her mind, she has made it public knowledge that she is available and hopes that anything she was meant to do would be covered under that umbrella, as surely if someone likes her enough they now know they can book her.

Don't take it personally Freddo, give her a call and if when you see her you don't feel she is as good as before, then maybe it's time to move on, but give her the benefit of the doubt.
if you dont ask you dont get, i love people shyness, i mean if you have her number,.....CALL HER! save yourself the what if and what abouts,....

i can never remember to call people so i do say please call me when you want a booking as i have enough to think about let alone keeping a mental note of people who want to see me and when


I do not contact my clients unless they are regulars and have asked me too but newbies no, as regulars stay in contact with me on a regular basis even just to say hello!.

But in general when asked i always tell clients that if they add you to their hotlist it does flash them whenever you are intending to visit their area and that way they will know in advance of any upcoming visits.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

I will try and get in touch with her again

I understand what you are saying Sarah it does seem a bit like that and now you point it out it makes sense for me to send her a messege
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

We would drop them a text, after all they are clients, our source of money. Now if they never responded, well thats up to them. You did what was asked of you. I would only text once.
What happened Freddo?
Yea Freddo, a few times, extremely annoying. But so is many other things in life, just have to deal with it and plod on.
One girl I saw had in her profile that she would stop seeing regulars if she felt things were getting too close. It might be a similar sort of thing I guess, Freddo, maybe she's more comfortable keeping things on an arms-length basis and thought it was getting too personal? Just a thought
I did try to get in touch with her but got no reply I tried in various ways by pm and by email
To be honest I have given up and stopped using the forum as well
a few of you will know the forum in question as some of you are there too
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(30-10-2011, 23:14)Freddo Wrote: I did try to get in touch with her but got no reply I tried in various ways by pm and by email
To be honest I have given up and stopped using the forum as well
a few of you will know the forum in question as some of you are there too

Seems like your gut reaction was right then Freddo. Sorry to hear that, but then maybe you would not have got 100% from her if her heart was not in it, so saved your money if nothing else. I hope you find a worthy replacement x

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