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what currency are AW payments made to UK banks?
hey all.

So I've very recently started some camming on AW, as a little bit of fun, and have earned a few credits that decided I want to try and make a go of this at being self employed.

I'm from the UK

Anyway, in the coming days/weeks I'll be registering as self employed and get the ball rolling....I'll see how it pans over this next week before I make my mind up for certain.

I am just wondering have my money sent into the bank it paid in $ and then converted by the bank at whatever rate....or is it paid in £? The other payment options show both £ and $ amounts, but the UK bank transfer shows only the £ amount on the withdraw credits option.

I've tried searching for this info, but so far I've found some stuff dated back to around 2011 saying it was paid in euros...but wondering if they meant dollars by mistake.

Ideally, £ would be better/easier....obviously....but if it is indeed sent as a sum in euros or dollars, I'd better look about for a bank account that doesn't charge for foreign income. I need to make a new bank account anyway, so we can keep our personal spends seperate from what would be a business account. I think Nationwide might allow this but need to double check Smile Otherwise, it's yet another frequent fee to add to the pile Smile


PS. Rather than make a new thread. I'm wondering....'officially' what would we be expected to do with AW owed credits/money if we tried out AW, and decided it wasn't for us......Technically, I'm guessing we'd be 'expected' to abandon them...or to just spend them online buying new toys and so on until they're gone so that we don't receive any physical payments of any sort Smile
If you select UK bank as your transfer method, it will all be conducted in £, the amount you transfer will be the amount you recieve, no charges.

1 credit = 1 GBP - Aws %

If you transfer out to an EU bank, you are subject to GBP to EUR exchange rate.

I have no idea about the card type payments aw offer.

If you are still yet to make your 1st transfer I would seriously think about giving yourself some time before registering yourself offically and completley commiting to webcamming as a full time job. Going from a little bit of fun to camming everyday and relying on aw is a very large jump!
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Thank you very much Lotus...that is much easier to know they send in £.

At the moment, I'm trying it making sure I do 5hrs minimum per day, so I get a rough idea of good and bad days

My partner works in full time employment, but having recently got our first mortgage, thought it was perhaps a good opportunity for me to look at returning to work after several years out to top up the income/pay off mortgage faster, as an alternative to just local part time retail work. So far so good....and its quite good fun at times, though I need to find better ways and places to sit/lay to reduce them pins n needles Wink Certainly more fun than sat at a supermarket checkout Smile

Hi, if you dont make the required amount for first payout and dont think its for you we will send the funds to your bank at no extra cost so you wont have to abandon the credits.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Thanks for the advice - that's a very kind gesture also admin.

I've made the required amount, and it offers to allow me to withdraw...but I won't withdraw until the point I have a bank account seperate to our main account, and began the registered sole trader option.

I believe people are classed as self employed from the point they make their first sale. So some regular businesses can be running/setting up for a while, but as soon as they make a sale that's it. I'm guessing with this line of work the 3 months to register are based on when we first draw a when the money is in the bank/or at least applied to be in the bank...rather than the day I first appeared on the cams, as up til then no money received.

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