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Mini Pill Good or Bad? Opinions Reqd.
I have changed after nearly 17yrs on the combined pill to the new mini pill cerazette.

God I have felt sooo strange in the last 12 days since I started it. grouchy/touchy, wanting to cry, feeling fat/bloated tum, aura headaches, itching/rash period nearly all the time arrrgh. Anyone else on it and do you have any probs etc?

I had to change due to getting lots of aura migraines so I know having one monday pm they won't stop instantily as the tabs have to build up but just wondered if any one else on it too?.

(09-11-2011, 16:19)fetishbootslut Wrote: I have changed after nearly 17yrs on the combined pill to the new mini pill cerazette.

God I have felt sooo strange in the last 12 days since I started it. grouchy/touchy, wanting to cry, feeling fat/bloated tum, aura headaches, itching/rash period nearly all the time arrrgh. Anyone else on it and do you have any probs etc?

I had to change due to getting lots of aura migraines so I know having one monday pm they won't stop instantily as the tabs have to build up but just wondered if any one else on it too?.

Yes have been taking them on for about a year when I came off the depo injection. I have never regained having my periods after the depo and am told this is a normal side effect with the mini pill. I was elated, as I have no wish to have periods.

I do feel bloatered most of the time, but I also have IBS, so I was putting it down to that. There is a possibility the mini pill is doing this to me, but it would be hard for me to know for sure.

It does not make me any more grouchy than normal, although I do get quite emotional, but I never related it to the mini pill, so again not sure. It's not enough to make me change, as I don't want periods or babies, so I can live with it if they are causing me to be bloatered and emotional.
Thanks kate for your reply

I hope that my periods stop as they near enough had on my old pill as I don't like them and don't want babies either.

I am not normally an overly emotional person (hubby says a loon) so I think that has been my pill and my bloated tum but I haven't been on it long so suppose my body is changing to all my new hormones!!

Oh the joys!!.
(09-11-2011, 16:19)fetishbootslut Wrote: Anyone else on it and do you have any probs etc?

I've been on it in the past. Had lots of problems regarding contraception pills etc full stop. I have the implant but have been taking the pill as well for a month. No problems but I take other pills which might counter act mood problems.. I am taking the pill while having the implant because I am a big girl and need a top up Blush

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Cerazette just like every other form of hormonal contraception, did hideous things to me. Constant periods, feeling like crying all the time, huge skin breakouts and massive cramps. I was made to try everything hormonal, pills, implants, injections, coils and the patch, before they would admit it was bad for me. I was eventually allowed to have my tubes tied at thirty-three.

I wouldn't recommend cerzette to anyone.
i got put on it as i got too wet to the point my juices were always running down to my ankles or dripping everywhere, i still take it not as a contraceptive but for that i have been on it 5yr
Coil for me. Took a few months to settle in, and I still get bloated once a month. Lack of periods is a god send though! Don't think I'm overly emotional on it - others may beg to differ!
I used to get bad migraines, even when I didn't use contraceptive for 10 years (celibate). Propranolol sorted them out for me! Yay!
Thanks for all your comments. It's good to hear the pros and cons from people who have experienced it.

The doc says I have to give it 3 months to see how I go but I really hope I settle out and my periods and headache go away and my bloody emotional crying phase.

They said at 33 I am too young to have my tubes tied as I may change my mind!! They don't know me at all. I have nothing against children I have a gorg neice but not for me!!.

I fell pregnant with my daughter on the mini pill.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

(10-11-2011, 12:25)curvy crumpet Wrote: I fell pregnant with my daughter on the mini pill.

Oh right not totally effective then. Goes to show.

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