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October meetings, birthday greetings
Have a nice Birthday Sophie mines in October too Big Grin I'm near the end though everyone says I'm a typical scorpio. Big Grin
Ohhh- mines is mid end.... (as I say not the first as my aw profile claims) but I'm still a libran Smile
Rack up another Libran, birthday mid October.
(31-08-2011, 00:42)SassyAnn Wrote: MrSmith, stop drooling, you're making a mess!
I enjoy making a mess, maybe you would like to help clean me up?

(31-08-2011, 15:06)darkstranger Wrote: Have a nice Birthday Sophie mines in October too Big Grin I'm near the end though everyone says I'm a typical scorpio. Big Grin

My ex was a Scorpio, born 31st October and me Friday 13th, that was a recipe for disaster lol. I refuse to date Scorpios now.

My best friend from school is a Librian. We are still friends. I get on with them lol.

I dont take a lot of notice of star signs never really understood it or looked into it enough
(31-08-2011, 22:57)Emily of Halifax Wrote: I dont take a lot of notice of star signs never really understood it or looked into it enough
How can the motions of planets and stars millions of miles (and indeed millions of light years) have any bearing on what is happening in your love life (or whatever!)

Not only that, but half of the things they discuss i.e Mars in Virgo, or whatever are based on the positions of stars hundreds of years ago, and they aren't in the same places anymore, and to finish, the ancient astrologers that made up the rules, didn't know about planets like Neptune and Uranus, or bodies like Pluto!

rant over

(PS, sorry Kate, I am a Scorpio....... but don't hold that against me Wink )

I'm in a cusp between Libra and Scorpio.

MrSmith, you can clean up your own mess! I'll help you get dirty again though!
(01-09-2011, 01:11)SassyAnn Wrote: I'm in a cusp between Libra and Scorpio.

MrSmith, you can clean up your own mess! I'll help you get dirty again though!
I shall forever think of you, dressed in a basque and stockings, caught in a cusp. Wink

(01-09-2011, 01:14)davidseven Wrote: I shall forever think of you, dressed in a basque and stockings, caught in a cusp. Wink

I do hope it's a pleasant thought!

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