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strange fetishes
That was Lolo, Tink. How was it for you both? Is it true dwarves and midgets have enormous cocks? Don't need all the details, just the salacious stuff.
You did have plenty of spare time Lolo
It makes interesting reading
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(11-08-2011, 20:34)lolo Wrote: Macrophilia — The attraction to giants, especially domination by giant women

A couple of years ago I briefly worked for a small company offering a call back sex chat line. Which was horrible as it just attracted the sickest people because those calls arent recorded.. anyway I was told to call a gentlemen and when describing myself say i was to say I was over 7 foot tall! He asked me all sort of wierd questions questions like is it hard getting on double decker buses and have I ever been too lego land?! Shy

(11-08-2011, 20:34)lolo Wrote: Melophilia — The erotic worship of music

ha ha this is me!! I didnt think there would be a word for it but I yes old friend and I use to refer to musiv videos as porn and used to watch some of them before going out clubbing. One bar had a video jukebox now that was fun!! .. I'm a "Melopiliac" then?! Big Grin Heart

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[Image: sigbanner.jpg]
You perv Jem. I knew they had words for people like you. Tongue
•Acmegenesis: orgasm
•Acomoclitic: preference for hairless genitals
•Acousticophilia: arousal from sounds
•Acrophilia: arousal from heights or high altitudes
•Acrotomophilia: sexual preference for amputees
•Actirasty: arousal from exposure to sun's rays
•Acucullophallia: circumcision
•Agalmatophilia: arousal from statues or manikins; also called pygmalionism
•Agenobiosis: married couple who consent to live together without sex
•Agonophilia: person who is aroused by partner pretending to struggle
•Agoraphilia: arousal from open spaces or having sex in public
•Agrexophilia: arousal from others knowing you are having sex
•Albutophilia: arousal from water
•Algophilia: arousal from experiencing pain
•Aliphineur: person using lotion to arouse partner
•Alloerasty: use of nudity of another person to arouse partner
•Allopellia: having orgasm from watching others engaging in sex
•Allorgasmia: arousal from fantasizing about someone other than one's partner
•Allotriorasty: arousal from partners of other nations or races
•Alphamegamia: arousal from partner of different age group
•Altocalciphilia: high heel fetish
•Alvinolagnia: stomach fetish
•Amatripsis: masturbation by rubbing labia together
•Amaurophilia: preference for a blind or blindfolded sex partner
•Amomaxia: sex in a parked car
•Amelotasis: attraction to absence of limb
•Amelotation: loss of a limb
•Amokoscisia: arousal or sexual frenzy with desire to slash or mutilate women
•Amychesis: act of scratching partner during sexual passion
•Anaclitism: arousal from items used as infant
•Analinctus: licking anus
•Analingus: rimming or penetration of anus with tongue
•Anasteemaphilia: attraction to taller or shorter partners
•Androidism: arousal from robots with human features
•Anililagnia: arousal from older female sex partner
•Anisonogamist: attraction to either older or younger partner
•Anomeatia: anal sex with a female partner
•Anophelorastia: arousal from defiling or ravaging a partner
•Antholagnia: arousal from smelling flowers
•Anthropomorphism: attributing human characteristics to half-human half-animal characters
•Anthropophagolagnia: rape with cannibalism
•Apotemnophilia: person who has sexual fantasies about loosing a limb
•Arachnephilia: arousal from spiders
•Arrhenothigmophilous: nymphomania
•Arsometry: anal sex
•Asphyxiaphilia: arousal from lack of oxygen
•Asthenolagnia: arousal from weakness or being humiliated
•Autagonistophilia: exhibitionism, arousal from exposing naked body or genitals to strangers while on stage or while being photographed
•Autassassinophilia: arousal from orchestrating one's own death by the hands of another
•Autoerotic Asphyxia: arousal from oxygen deprivation and sometimes risk of dying
•Autogynephilia: arousal from crossdressing
•Automasochism: arousal from inflicting intense sensations or pain on one's own body
•Autoerotica: self induced arousal (i.e. fantasies or other aids)
•Automysophilia: arousal from being dirty or defiled
•Autonepiophilia: infantilism; arousal from dressing or being treated like infant
•Autopederasty: person inserting their own penis into their anus
•Autophagy: self-cannibalism or eating own flesh
•Autosadism: infliction of pain or injury on oneself
•Axillism: penis penetrating an arm pit

•Barosmia: arousal from smell
•Basoexia: arousal from kissing
•Belonephilia: arousal from use of needles
•Bigynist: sex between one male and two females
•Bihari surgery: cutting ligament above penis to make it appear longer
•Bivirist: sex between one female and two males
•Botulinonia: using a sausage as a dildo
•Bouginonia: female masturbation from the use of objects such as dildos that stretch open the vagina
•Brachioprotic eroticism: a deep form of fisting where the arm enters the anus
•Bradycubia: slow movement during penetration Branding: burning patterns or initials into flesh

•Capnolagnia: arousal from watching others smoke
•Castration: removal of the scrotum, testicles, ovaries, or penis
•Choreophilia: dancing to orgasmic release
•Chrematistophilia: person aroused by having to pay for sex or having sex partner steal from them (see also harpaxophilia)
•Chronophilia: arousal from passage of time; arousal from older partner
•Clitoromania: nymphomania
•Coprolalia: arousal from using obscene language or writing
•Coprophagy: the consumption of feces
•Coprophilia: arousal from playing with feces, also called scat
•Coproscopist: arousal from watching a person defecate
•Corephallism: anal sex with young girl
•Cryptoscopophilia: desire to see behavior of others in privacy of their home, not necessarily sexual

•Dacrylagnia: arousal from seeing tears in the eyes of a partner
•Dacryphilia: person who is aroused by seeing their partner cry
•Dysmorphophilia: arousal from deformed or physically impaired partners

•Ecdemolagnia: arousal from traveling or being away from home
•Ecdyosis: arousal from removing clothes in front of others
•Ecouteurism: listening to others having sex without consent
•Ederacinism: to tear out sex organs by the roots as in a frenzy or to punish oneself for sexual cravings
•Emetophilia: Roman shower; arousal from vomit
•Endytolagnia: arousal only from partners who are clothed
•Endytophilia: arousal only from partners who are clothed
•Entomophilia: arousal from insects or using, them in sex play
•Eproctolagniac: person aroused by flatulence
•Eproctophilia: arousal from flatulence
•Erotographomania: arousal from writing love poems or letters
•Erotomania: people who develop an unreasonable love of a stranger or person not interested in them

•Flatuphilia: arousal from having partner pass gas
•Furtling: the use of fingers underneath cut-outs in genital areas of photos for arousal

•Galateism: agalmatophilia; sexual attraction to statues
•Gomphipothic: arousal by the sight of teeth
•Graphelagnia: arousal from photographs of nudity or sex
•Gregomulcia: arousal from being fondled in a crowd

•Hierophilia: arousal from sacred objects Hirsutophilia: arousal from armpit hair
•Hodophilia: arousal from traveling
•Homilophilia: sexual arousal from hearing or giving sermons
•Hybristophilia: love of someone who has committed an outrage
•Hygrophilia: arousal from body fluids or moisture
•Hyphephilia: arousal from touching skin, hair, leather, fur or fabric

•ldrophrodisia: arousal from the odour of perspiration, especially from the genitals

•Kleptolagnia: arousal from stealing
•Kleptophilia: arousal from stealing
•Klismaphilia: arousal from enemas
•Knismolagnia: arousal from tickling touching genitals

•Lygerastia: tendency to only be aroused in darkness

•Macrogenitalism: arousal from large genitals
•Maieusiophilia: arousal from pregnant women
•Mammagymnophilia: arousal from female breasts
•Maschalophilous: arousal from armpits
•Mixoscopia: orgasm dependent on watching others having sex
•Moriaphilia: arousal from telling sexual jokes
•Morphophilia: arousal from person with a different physique
•Mysophilia: arousal from soiled clothing or foul decaying odors

•Nanophilia: sexual attraction to a short partner
•Naphephilia: arousal from touching or being touched
•Nasolingus: arousal from sucking nose of partner
•Nosolagnia: arousal from knowing partner has terminal illness
•Nosophilia: arousal from knowing partner has terminal illness

•Ochlophilia: arousal from being in a crowd
•Oculolinctus: licking partner's eyeball
•Oculophilia: eye fetish
•Odaxelagnia: arousal from biting
•Odontophilia: arousal from tooth extractions or tooth fetish
•Omolagnia: arousal from nudity
•Osmolagnia: arousal from odors
•Osmophilia: arousal from odors
•Osphresiolagnia: arousal from odors
•Othello's syndrome: jealousy
•Oxygen regulation: regulating intake of oxygen for sexual enhancement
•Ozolagnia: arousal from odors

•Pecattiphilia: arousal from sinning or possibly guilt
•Pediophilia: arousal from dolls
•Phallophilia: large penis fetish or preference
•Phlebotomy: arousal from bloodletting
•Pictophilia: arousal from pictures, video or movies with a sexual subject
•Proctotitillia: tickling anus
•Psychrophilia: arousal from being cold or watching others freeze
•Psychrotentiginous: arousal from cold weather
•Pubephilia: arousal from pubic hair
•Pygophilemania: arousal from kissing buttocks
•Pygophilia: arousal from contact with buttocks
•Pygotripsis: arousal from rubbing buttocks
•Pyrophilia: arousal from fire or of its use in sex play

•Raptophilia: arousal only from raping a victim

•Salirophilia: person ingesting human sweat or saliva (fluids with a salt content)
•Sarmassophilia: arousal from kneading flesh
•Scopophilia: arousal from being stared at oneself
•Scoptolagnia: arousal from seeing the genitals of the opposite sex
•Siderodromophilia: arousal from trains
•Siphnianize: anal masturbation
•Sitophilia: arousal from food
•Sleeping princess syndrome: those aroused by partner who appears to be asleep
•Smegma: secretions from gland under foreskin of penis or clitoris
•Snapping pussy: constrictions of muscles used for orgasm; sexercise
•Somnophilia: fondling stranger in their sleep
•Spay: castration
•Spectrophilia: either coitus with spirits or arousal from image in mirrors
•Spermatophobia: fear of semen loss
•Stapling: inserting a U-shaped wire into skin during sex play
•Statuophilia: agalmatophilia; sexual attraction to statues
•Sthenolagnia: arousal from demonstration of strength or muscles
•Stigmatophilia: arousal from partner who is stigmatized (i.e., tattoos, piercings, scars)
•Strabismus: arousal from eyes of partner
•Strangulation: controlling oxygen by restricting windpipe or blood vessels in neck
•Stuffing: insertion of objects into vagina or anus
•Stupprator: man who is aroused by virgins
•Subincision: cutting part of the glans penis from the tip toward the base
•Symphorophilia: arousal from arranging a disaster, crash, or explosion
•Syntribate: rubbing thighs together to masturbate

•Tachorgasmia: premature ejaculation
•Tantalolagnia: arousal from teasing
•Taphephilia: arousal from being buried alive
•Teledildonics: arousal from computer sex games
•Telegony: belief that first man impregnating woman will be the father of any subsequent children
•Telephone scatophilia: arousal from obscene phone calls
•Telephonicophilia: arousal from using phone calls for sexual conversations
•Teratophallic: large penises
•Terror play: sex play using terror or fear for arousal
•Thalpotentiginy: arousal from heat
•Thelectize: clitoridectomy
•Thesauromania: compulsion to collect objects or clothing belonging to females
•Thlipsosis: arousal from pinching others
•Timophilia: when a person's primary arousal comes from gold or wealth
•-tion: suffix indicating a state of being
•Titillagnia: arousal from tickling
•Tithiolagnia: having an orgasm while nursing
•Tourniquets: a device that compresses blood vessels to control bleeding, sometimes sexual
•Toucheurism: touching a stranger for arousal
•Tragolimia: compulsive desire for sex regardless of attraction of partner
•Transvestophilia: arousal from crossdressing
•Traumaphilia: arousal from wounds or trauma; automasochism
•Tribadism: lesbianism; sex by rubbing
•Triborgasmia: wife who masturbates husband
•Trichophilia: hair fetish
•Tripsolagnia: arousal from having hair shampooed
•Tripsolagnophilia: arousal from massage
•Tripsophilia: arousal from massage
•Troilism: arousal by being third party in sex scene

•Undinism: arousal from water
•Uranism: arousal from person of same sex
•Urolagnia: arousal from urine
•Urophilia: arousal from urine Urtication: the use of nettles to create extra sensation

•Vampirism: consuming blood of partner for arousal
•Vertigo: dizziness, sometimes used to enhance sex acts
•Vertugadin: large hooped skirts that also acted as chastity devices
•Vicarphilia: arousal from other people's exciting experiences
•Victorian lace: sexual discipline using crossdressing as punishment
•Vincilagnia: arousal from bondage
•Virimimism: adoption of masculinity
•Voyeurism: arousal by watching others without their consent

•Water sports: the use of urine for arousal; urophilia

•Xenodynamic: person who is only potent with strangers
•Xenolimia: arousal from strangers
•Xenophilia: arousal from strangers

•Yoni worship: worship of the female genitals
•Yoshiwara: Japanese prostitutes

•Zelophilia: arousal from jealousy
•Zooerasty: arousal from animals
•Zoophilia: arousal from animals
•Zwischenstufe: arousal from person of same sex
i love how basic zoophelia is lol


This is like an old episode of Eurotrash!!! that used to have people on with very odd sexual perversions.
And they were nearly always from Belgium for some reason.
(11-08-2011, 22:25)SassyAnn Wrote: That was Lolo, Tink. How was it for you both? Is it true dwarves and midgets have enormous cocks? Don't need all the details, just the salacious stuff.

yep its true
Arsometry: anal sex - How apt.
Using a sausage as a dildo???
Licking partners eyeball had me gagging.

Eurotrash did have a train crash fascination to it.
Amokoscisia: arousal or sexual frenzy with desire to slash or mutilate women

is the one that worries me

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