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If you won how would you spend it
I could probably change my name to George McCoy but I can't stand his crisps

I think he might be slightly older than me from the pics I have seen
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

That's a bonus then. Do you not wear a flat cap either? Or maybe it is just seeing all those women that has made him look older. He might still be in his 30s.
Most girls nowadays wouldn't have a Scooby who he is. Thank God!
(08-07-2011, 23:32)CurvaceousKate Wrote: That's a bonus then. Do you not wear a flat cap either? Or maybe it is just seeing all those women that has made him look older. He might still be in his 30s.

That made me smile I always thought you were as young as the last lady you saw now I know where I have been going wrong

[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(08-07-2011, 23:41)SassyAnn Wrote: Most girls nowadays wouldn't have a Scooby who he is. Thank God!

I'm not sure about that, he seems to be doing the rounds quite a lot at the moment. He's tried to visit quite a few others from what I have read on other forums. I'm not sure what his selection process is, but he's tried to meet me twice!
I would at least buy my sister her favourite car, a boat for my dad, money for my mum to renovate and decorate her house and something for my friends as well. I'd also like to start an NGO providing education opportunities in developing countries and I'd donate lots of money to animal protection organisations and my local animal shelter.

For me I'd probably buy a flat, hire a personal trainer, and travel more. And possibly buy a few items of clothing Big Grin
(09-07-2011, 09:43)Alexandra Wrote: .....I'd also like to start an NGO providing education opportunities in developing countries.....
Normally people from developing countries really appreciate the opportunity for education. I wish we could get kids as excited about it here. It seems as though they want to be educated by the internet or telly and have no critical thinking skills or motivation. Very sad.
Children do get motivated at school if they are taught about things they are familiar with and in a way that inspires them. The problem is that most schools are so pressured to attain high scores and good stats they have forgotten the most important thing... Education!
Great answers!

I'd give enough to my siblings and parents to make them comfortable. Travel, buy a house with a big garden for a pony and a horse and a big run/sanctuary for foster cats, then set up an independant film company and make movies...and maybe look at doing some of the projects I've explored that require a big lump of cash!
Providing directcam & chat, femdom sessions and personalised one to one to one webcam via Adultwork to turn your fantasy into a reality! See my feedback of 1040 Smile
what sort of movies would u make kaz

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