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AW mobile movie upload format???
Hi All, We are having huge problems uploading movies that register on the mobile version of the site.
HAVE TRIED DIRECT FROM IPHONE, WMV, MPEG ETC ETC, does anyone know what format it is???

They display on main site?
thanks swcouple
I have the same problem. Did you ever resolve this? If so how?

I uploaded a 30-minute WMV, but it took me almost a day fannying about with various FTP packages, and some emails with AW to confirm they'd got it.
We've always used wmv to upload to my profile
i use mp4 x
I've tried up load both ways it still doesn't apear on the mobile version of the website.
Any ideas?
Mobile version ? No idea I.upload all movies on my main pc , uploading content via mobile would cause problems would it not ? A stable connection is needed when uploading movie and rentals x

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