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Due an upgrade on my phone any ideas of what to get next???
Hiya guys!

I currently have a blackberry 8900 curve and I'm due an upgrade but not sure what phone to get next? I need it to be fast internet and be able to use msn and skype on it and also email alerts etc... any ideas peeps? Huh

love Taylor
(14-07-2011, 20:32)Taylor_Morgan Wrote: Hiya guys!

I currently have a blackberry 8900 curve and I'm due an upgrade but not sure what phone to get next? I need it to be fast internet and be able to use msn and skype on it and also email alerts etc... any ideas peeps? Huh

love Taylor

I would reccomend an iPhone, try one, they are addictive

I've heard that on the iphone they cut you off alot in the middle of calls is that true? and is the internet fast? xx
The internet is as fast as the wifi you connect to, or as fast as your phone provider can supply. Some of the early iPhone 4's did cut you off, but they are much better now.

There is an app for adultwork, you can get MSN, and other instant message services.
You can set it up as a credit card terminal if you need to.
The screen quality is amazing
Skype is available for it, and you can make and receive video calls with facetime.

Some of the apps out there are amazing, lots are free, but some you have to pay for.

Have you ever gone out, and forgotten to record a tv programme you really wanted to see? the iPhone can control your sky+ and you can use it to record stuff from anywhere. (as an example)

There are loads of new features coming in the next software update too.
It functions as an iPod too, so you can fill it with your favourite music and videos

the only drawback is that there are rumours of a newer version, but apple won't confirm it, or when it might be available.

(14-07-2011, 21:06)MrSmith767 Wrote: The internet is as fast as the wifi you connect to, or as fast as your phone provider can supply. Some of the early iPhone 4's did cut you off, but they are much better now.

There is an app for adultwork, you can get MSN, and other instant message services.
You can set it up as a credit card terminal if you need to.
The screen quality is amazing
Skype is available for it, and you can make and receive video calls with facetime.

Some of the apps out there are amazing, lots are free, but some you have to pay for.

Have you ever gone out, and forgotten to record a tv programme you really wanted to see? the iPhone can control your sky+ and you can use it to record stuff from anywhere. (as an example)

There are loads of new features coming in the next software update too.
It functions as an iPod too, so you can fill it with your favourite music and videos

the only drawback is that there are rumours of a newer version, but apple won't confirm it, or when it might be available.

Hmmmm! sounds impressive, is the touch screen easy to use? what is the lastest and best version thats out now?
its very easy to use, and you will soon learn the different gestures (1 finger 2 finger twist and pinch etc)

the iPhone 4 is the latest model, and it should come with the latest software on it. (if not just plug it into your laptop, start itunes and follow the easy instructions to install the latest update when the next software version comes out (very soon) you will be able to do the updates wirelessly too)

The white version is recently out, so it is a bit more exclusive. They are very robust ( I dropped mine downstairs 3 time now without damage) especially when you consider the majority of the phone is made of glass.

I would recommend the 32Gb version if you plan on having your music collection on there.

If you are a gym bunny there are loads of apps to help with workouts including one from nike that can record your run by GPS then show you the route on your computer and point out areas that you may have slowed down.

I was really dubious about the first one, but they just get better and better. Have a play at your local phone store.

If you go with 3 they even allow you to use your free internet minutes on the phone on your computer (using the phone as a wifi modem) so you can access the internet on your laptop via the phone (the other big 3 charge a bit extra for this facility)

(14-07-2011, 21:22)MrSmith767 Wrote: its very easy to use, and you will soon learn the different gestures (1 finger 2 finger twist and pinch etc)

the iPhone 4 is the latest model, and it should come with the latest software on it. (if not just plug it into your laptop, start itunes and follow the easy instructions to install the latest update when the next software version comes out (very soon) you will be able to do the updates wirelessly too)

The white version is recently out, so it is a bit more exclusive. They are very robust ( I dropped mine downstairs 3 time now without damage) especially when you consider the majority of the phone is made of glass.

I would recommend the 32Gb version if you plan on having your music collection on there.

If you are a gym bunny there are loads of apps to help with workouts including one from nike that can record your run by GPS then show you the route on your computer and point out areas that you may have slowed down.

I was really dubious about the first one, but they just get better and better. Have a play at your local phone store.

If you go with 3 they even allow you to use your free internet minutes on the phone on your computer (using the phone as a wifi modem) so you can access the internet on your laptop via the phone (the other big 3 charge a bit extra for this facility)

ohhhhh I like the sound of the running app! that would come in handy Smile I'm with vodaphone and get unlimited internet so thats cool, yeah I think I'm gonna go into a shop and have a look rather than just ordering it, really appreciate your advise hun, thanks so much! Wink xx
You are welcome

I was really sceptical about them but I took a plunge on the old iPhone 3GS and was hooked. The 4 is even better, there are about 150000 different apps available for download, from games to satnavs, cookery books to restaurant guides.

I can even control my living room stereo, sky box, and ps3 from mine

We didn't get on with the iPhone 3, but have really enjoyed the iphone4
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Ive got an ericsson experia arc it does everything an iphone can do uses google android softwear. Even has a built in sat nav.

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