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Why is that getting ready for a Show means that things go wrong and they go wrong always at the last minute!

TV wont work for the presentation I have had done and the Laptop screen is only a 15" when I need 38"

Grrrr - last thing I needed was having to go out and buy a new TV Angry
sorry to hear that monty, kinda had those problems in my last job

hope things get sorted out
Oh bugger! Does no one have one you can borrow?
Unfortunately not though havent exhausted the possibilities yet!

THis afternoon will be crunch time.
Well I bit the bullet and took the easy option. result one brand new 32" HD ready TV with god knows how many gizmos for £199. Not a bad deal in the end!!
great monty for getting it sorted
Yes and got rid of one line of stress - just loads to go yet!

Still, by Monday it will all be over!
fingers & everything crossed for u that it goes well
thanks Lolo much appreciated but would much rather have your thighs crossed over my head with my tongue embedded in your pussy - that would relieve my stress!!
That is good. I got a similar one from Amazon and it was only £10 cheaper and I had to wait for delivery, so you wouldn't have saved much more if you had time to wait.

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