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I had a call this morning when I was in a mega mood asking for a booking. I told them I was not in a great mood and maybe later to which they said that was fine and for me to give them a text if I change my mind.

Around lunch time I had started to come out of my little cloud, so I sent him a text to ask him if 3pm would suit. He then said he was thinking more like 9pm. Yep sounds good to me so I said fine for 2 hours then.

Then he sends me a text saying not to be upset with him if he is not on time. I responded by saying ok, but try and make it earlier rather than later. He explained he was not very good at time keeping and didn't want to muck me about. Not a problem, as long as you do turn up, otherwise my son will get it in the neck and I will block you, was my reply.

Hmmm... why would you do that he said?

Grrr!!! I'm starting to get annoyed now. I asked him to book me on AW or confirm by 7pm and then it finally comes out. Well, I'm on call, so I might get called out, which might make me late.

Aaaaahhhh!!! You can't book me if you are on call!! I said slightly agitated. I explained to him that he could get called out 5 mins after arriving and I ONLY do 2 hour bookings on weekends.

Oh shame he says, I reckon we would have a lot of fun together.

Sigh!!!!! Angry

I don't know if he is a TW or someone who really wanted to see me, but wasn't thinking with their brain, but once he realised I was not going to be nice when he cancelled he started to fret.

Have you ever had a darling like this one and how long did it take you to get to the truth? Do you see men that are on call?

I've had a few book me and turn out to be on call, as they are the ones that whizz off as soon as they are done, but it's not really something I like much.
had a few try it but it took upto a couple of hours before i found out i just said i would prefer not to

did see one when i was staying there all the time & OH was doing nightshift

he had came in booked 4 hrs paid for it then he just got his clothes off when he had to go, as i had cleared the rest of the night he did return & leave again total 3 times within the 4hr period so must only had fun for around 1.5hrs
(06-08-2011, 16:36)lolo Wrote: had a few try it but it took upto a couple of hours before i found out i just said i would prefer not to

did see one when i was staying there all the time & OH was doing nightshift

he had came in booked 4 hrs paid for it then he just got his clothes off when he had to go, as i had cleared the rest of the night he did return & leave again total 3 times within the 4hr period so must only had fun for around 1.5hrs

See, I couldn't do that at my apartment, the door makes too much noise with opening and closing. Otherwise I wouldn't mind.
is it your door or the main door to get into the apartments that makes the noise
My door. There is nothing wrong with it, although there was when I first got there, but it's a double lock, so the nature of the beast. I can control it a bit when I open and shut it from the inside, but you can hear people when they are in the hall way, so anyone feeling a bit nosey would notice something like that.
oh gawd,....ive had someone like that before from adultwork,....i mean you understand their situation but you do need some sort of certainty


We (PurePassionXXX) will not take on a New Client unless he books through the System First - We also know a couple of girls who do the same. They have said that the number of Timewasters, whether as a result of being on call or not, is now 1/5th of what it used to be.
Many of my clients are 'guests' on AW and I would say probably 1 in 10 book me through the system. For me the odds are too wide to think about doing that. I have had a few timewasters that have booked through the system too. One chap gave me an address which was quite local to mine. He booked me on there and then did not confirm on the day. He would not answer my calls and then he had the nerve to leave me neutral feedback, saying I had not got in touch with him. He had done it to another lady too and now has -2 feedback.

My point is, yes if you are willing to take less work and have a little less frustration, all is well and good, but I would rather learn from experience and deal with a couple of timewasters a day/week and have more bookings in total. Most of the guys are lovely. I'd say the ratio for me was 8/2, 8 being the good guys and 2 the TWs.
All told tha is not a bad ratio Kate - but i can understand why the 2 in 10 are so annoying, but i suspect nothing will ever stop those guys being TW's.
No some men have made TW their hobby, as apposed to seeing Escorts. Now ask yourself, who is the idiot there? lol

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