Adultwork Forum

AWF Members

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A "Thanks" feature has now been added to the forum.

Simply click the "+ THANKS" button at the bottom of each post to thank a member for their post.

The "Thanks" feature is slightly different from the reputation system, thanking a member purely shows appreciation for their post(s) and contributions to a thread, the reputation system generally allows members to distinguish those who over time are reputable.
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It might just be me, but apart from on this thread I can't see where the thanks has been left. I've left thanks 5 or 6 times now and can't see where I left it and don't know where I have been left thanks either. Am I going blind or is there a glitch in the system?
I have noticed the odd one Kate - you just need to remember where you left them.
It would be nice to know who has thanked you as well though Monty which unless you back track through all your comments you dont know
I think we could do with something on our profiles that tells us where to look, in a similar way to how we are shown who left us reputations and last posts etc.

I like to know who thanks me, as I have manners and it's nice to know what is appreciated and I've looked high and low and can't find them lol.

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