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Survey on Policing Priorities, including Prostitution
I have to say Lolo, that I think you would be in the minority. I think a lot of girls would find ways to get round it and pay for fake documentation rather than do that and then it would get really messy.
Thing is, if it was law, and she has fake cert's, a client catches something then the police intervene and find her cert's are fake she would then be thrown in jail for being careless with everyones health. If her cert's were real then shes got nothing to worry about.

On the flip side, if it was made law for clients to provide the same cert's, i personally wouldnt mind doing that... i already do it anyway!
If girls are getting into this cos they are short of cash, it will be a catch 22 situation. They won't be able to afford the certs, so may get fake ones until they can afford the real thing. Or they'll have to get into even more debt to afford it, and then may decide escorting isn't for them but have even more money to pay off.
i maybe in a minority but then i suppose i always look out for myself first, just read on some boards before that some of them only go if they have had a complaint or think there is something wrong with themselves, that i just dont understand
plus Tom, even if it is legal, I doubt many guys would admit to having seen a prostitute or that they have an STI to their wives, as that may break their marriage up. There are a lot of sexless marriages out there, which a situation like this could happen to. Do you really think they are going to take an Escort to court? And if they have seen more than one in a given amount of time, how do they prove which one? Plus, even with up to date tests, you can still catch something in the interim, so how do you prove that it was due to not being up to date on the tests, it is merely a precaution.

Very complicated and not likely to stand up in court. She could get done for having useless documents, but not much else really.

I was thinking about this earlier and I think to make Escorts pay would be obscene, when you consider the amount of money spent on smokers and obese people in this Country. To me it is no different. There is also the factor of men that play sports and get hurt regularly. I don't know a man who plays football, who hasn't had a sports injury. It may be a life style choice, but I believe that it is every persons right in this country who pays tax to have good health care and if that means protection against STI's then so be it.
Lolo I get checked out every 2 months, sometimes more frequently if something happens ie. condom comes off. I don't have the volume of clients that you guys have though.
I go to the GUM clinic and they do a full screen. It is a free service, however they don't use cameras, just swabs, blood tests and a verbal interrogation! What are the cameras looking for?
checking if there are any changes in colour in the tissue which would indicate the onset of a infection
How long have you been doing that for Lolo?
2yr now kate
What made you decide to go that route right from the start? Sorry about all the questions, as I know you are being very health conscious and doing the right thing, but I thought I was until I met you lol. I'm more questioning myself and deciding if I need to change my own habits.

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