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Survey on Policing Priorities, including Prostitution
I have recieved this in the post 3 times now, so reckon it is something worth looking at. Here is the message that I got with it...

Home Affairs Committee policing survey - deadline 17 Jun I am sending this as targetted message to specific usergroups to keep it of the "anti's" radar. It is difficult to find, but I reckon its worth completing. All you have to do is register and complete the poll. Please pass this message on to anyone else, and even other boards. Policing Priorities survey - introduction at,1

Given the financial constraints that police forces face, the Committee would like to hear which areas of work you think the police should prioritise and which areas of work you think should be a lower priority. includes How much of a priority should tackling prostitution be for the police? at,1,137

I guess if we can do anything to make our lives a little easier it is worth it?

Im all for prostitutes having rights and stuff. But im far against making it all illegal like some people think it should.

And things like, if a man is living with a prostitute while she works from his home and she pays him rent like normally anyone else would, then thats illegal because its seen as him making profit from her. Surely its better for her to be living with a man then at least she has far better protection than working home-alone.

Also, i think it should be made law that all sex workers should have privately done and certified-backed monthly STI/D checks, so that clients are then fully aware she is clean. Would also help reduce the common social stigma of some people that prostitutes are riddled with STI's, so in turn it would boost the amount of clients wanting to see escorts.
Why privately done STD tests? It costs between £90/£120 to get the tests done privately. If you did that you would find girls getting fake paperwork in order to avoid these extra costs. Surely it would be better to continue with the idea of once every 3 months using the NHS? That is far more likely to work and is still workable.

Personally I think it should be made legal for 2 ladies to work within the same premises. It isn't really a brothel in my eyes and it is safety in numbers.
The people who are anti-prostitution would cause an uproar if prostitutes were given free health tests every month.

But then again people uproar about giving asylum seekers homes, cars and other benefits and still nothing comes of it anyway, so... thats Britain for ya, charity to all.
I don't think it needs to be monthly Tom and at the moment all prostitutes do have free health care, we are still humans and if we are paying our taxes, which would actually increase the economy income, as so many don't then I don't think they would have a good argument there.
i agree with monthly as thats what my clinic recommends or every 20th guy
Really? Jeez I'd be going every 2 weeks at least by those stats.
yes I go around every 3 weeks
(10-06-2011, 16:48)lolo Wrote: yes I go around every 3 weeks

Serious question. Would you go every 3 weeks if you had to pay, say £100 each time?
yep, if i go private the one close to me goes through more vigorous tests usings cameras etc

costs £495 takes around 3.5hrs

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