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Gifts from clients
I have to admit that I have not had many gifts bought me from clients, which means when I do it is very much apprecited and enjoyed. I have had some rather unusual ones though and I am meeting a client today who has told me he has some gifts for me and said he has bought me...

Some welsh baked bread, Some jam, some kinky things (don't know what yet) and some slow gin.

It all sounds rather delicious, but I do wonder if I will end up wearing some of it rather than eating or drinking it?

I've also had a dog collar (which I love) flowers, chocolates, typical Irish fayre while touring N.Ireland and tights.

What is the most unusual gift you have been given if you are an Escort and if you visit Escorts, have you ever given them a gift and what was it?
someone i have being seeing quite a while got me a private plate for my car

other than that it's been lush products, spa treatments, lucozade
Flowers, chocolate, breakfast in bed, nipple clamps and cava, prosecco and champagne. One client sent me some beautiful flowers once. My parents were staying and they wanted to know who they were from. I said some people I'd just done some work for sent them to me. The next day I did receive flowers from the people I'd done some work for. How embarrassing. I just said 2 different people at the company must have sent them, and they hadn't checked with each other.
After that the client sent me cheques instead so I could buy whatever I wanted instead. Must say it was far more discreet!
Just received a cheque in celebration of my one year anniversary of escorting!

Last xmas one of my subs bought me a clk 220 convertable Smile
But apart from that no one really uses my wishlists, although i have a lovely guy who usually buys me something every payday
I have had the usual chocolates,flowers,wine,underwear and perfume.

The most expensive was from an obsessed client that I ended up having to stop seeing he turned up one day with 2 pairs of shoes, one pair were Kurt Geiger with the £100 price tag still on the box and the other one was faith £50 price still on.

The only thing was they were absolutely hideous I would not have been seen dead in them I ended up giving them to a charity shop.

Being a Mistress i have quite a few guys who have bought be great things. I haven't been lucky enough to have received a sports car (good for you Katy) i had to buy my own lol.
Probably my best gift was a Mac book air laptop that was £1200.00 but i have also had Christian Laboutin shoes,music system,television,juicer,2 logitech webcams,endless designer perfume and Amazon gift vouchers!
I love it and i always appreciate the gorgeous gifts!

x x x

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Nice Kate-E! I'm not sure I would be comfortable accepting something of that value personally.
Not that i've been bought anything yet, even the mac book air that miss diane mentioned would leave me feeling a bit uncomfortable.
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(09-06-2011, 17:14)ShySmile Wrote: Blooming heck Katy, that's good going. Was he besotted or loaded or both?!
I am thinking maybe I need to look into Mistressing! Do they do courses anywhere on being a sub or a Mistress? Great if I could get a potential sub to pay to send us both on a course!

there used to be a mistress over in germany that ran training classes
Shy is now of to Newcastle airport to book her ticket
If only! I am at my family's beck and call for the next 2 weeks!

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