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Animal Cruelty
Yes I am back Mr Smith no's the story why i haven't been here and will not be back properly till Tuesday just got a spare half hour which I haven't had for days so here is my tale and I hope you all realise how serious this situation can be.

People that no me will no that I am a big animal lover and I cant abide animal cruelty in any way shape or form animals especially dogs and cats need so much care,love attention excercise and a loving home.

A lot of people dont realise that animal cruelty can go on literally under your nose without realising it you see articles in newspapers snippets on tv but a lot of the time people think it is very few and far between and these are one of occurances well they are not.

This week me and hubby rescued 2 6 month old Alsation puppies that have spent there entire life locked up in a garage with no light no excersise and very little human contact they were being kept to be baited and fought. The male is quite out going and friendly but the female is absolutely terrified at first when we took her she was so scarred she would literally cower and shake she is coming round now and starting to get used to human interaction.

These 2 dogs are so gorgeous and do not deserve the start that they have had in life we have now got them rehomed they go on tuesday to a family that have got space for them to live and be comfortable with a lot of love.

I just wish could have kept them myself but my house is not big enough to home 2 fully grown alsations but we will be keeping a close eye on them

I am basically posting this to make people aware that abuse goes on whether it is with animals, children, pensioners, disabled people we should never just think that it is something that we read about and should not be afraid of stepping in and helping
Sounds awful, but did you get the RSPCA involved or the police? Were they just dumped?
They will just find somewhere else to breed them.
Have seen cruelty first hand as my previous job wais veterinary based
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Jayzee the owners rent property from people that we no that is how we found out about them they have basically been told if this ever happens again there tenancy will be revoked which they dont want to happen as they have a very lucrative business going on we are keeping a very close eye on them they are basically getting 3 visits a day and we also no where else they operate from.

Did not want to contact the rspca as you can never guarantee how long an animal will be kept we have rehomed them they are going tuesday and will have a totally different life
They obviously have contacts which means they will be breeding else where, can't imagine they will give up that easily. You could contact police or RSPCA in confidence that you think this has been happening, but hard to prove some times, hopefully they will get well socialised but probably the damage has already been done phsycologically.

Most cruelty is through ignorance, and lack of knowledge.

I think the worst thing I saw when training was a lady who wasn't quite right in the head, came back from walking the dogs, and as it was a nice day attached them to the tow bar of the car. Later on she came out got in the car to go to the shop, forgetting the dogs were still attached, she drove about 1 mile at 30mph before she stopped because people were flashing and shouting at her.

The dogs still wagged their tails at us and tried to get up, even though they were in severe pain, in the end they were PTS by us on advise of the RSPCA, they were going to cost too much to get back to full health. It was all over the papers in 1995 I think, the woman was charged as far as I can remember.
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God that is awful. What is wrong with people?
Oh Emily I would have had one. I've wanted an alsation since I was 6 years old. My Mum looked after her boyfriends and it lived with us. Then he decided to sell it and it kept running back home to us. I cried a million tears for the love of that dog. I keep saying I will have one when I grow up.

I can't believe anyone could do that. Some times you wonder if these people have a heart at all.

Thank goodness for people like you. xx
I love GDS's too! as a kid dreamed of having one of those big chunky ones, male called Diesel! had it all mapped out.. but instead have a very Neurotic collie!
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Should had posted up on here, im looking for another GS to go with my bitch.
I know what you mean about animal cruelty though, before i moved to Spain, i done a few months working in an animals sanctuary in portugal and some of the things that had happened to these dogs was unreal. We had one poodle in, who was found with its neck wrapped in barbed wire, along with all her toys and foodbowl. Pains me to see so many strays out here, but with having 3 dogs myself, i just can risk bringing them into my home, when parvo is rife here.
saw some breeders trying to self dock tail with cable ties and metal sandwich bag ties.... they didnt know how it got on there... the vet was furious.
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Aww thats awful Jayzee.

2 out of 3 of my dogs are rescued, the GS i picked up from the campo near alicante as a 4 week old pup, my siberian husky i bought out the paper, who was living in a 2 bed council house with a meat head who smacked him around and 6 yes SIX kids, he was shut in the shed for most of his life, took a long time to get him 'right' again, he was quite vicious when i 1st got him. My little pug wasnt rescued (maybe from me, the amount of daft things he'll do to make me laugh Tongue) but they're all one funny happy family Smile

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