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turn on's
I look forward to it Smile
I have another one...

I am turned on by guys that are kind of small, but compact, perfectly formed bodies, fit and toned. I've had a few clients like this, including yesterday, lovely body. He was 5' 8 (he said) although I towered over him in my heels lol.
oh yes kate i love that to
Being a shorty myself, I haven't come across anyone I can tower over as yet! I do get lots of guys over 6 foot though - which I find really horny! Initially when I open the front door I am standing on a step, so there is minor height difference, but when I step down - phwoar! I just want to rip their clothes off there and then. I do remember my manners though and restrain myself!
restraint doesnt always work
lol just try to remember to take the dosh first. I've forgotten to do that a few times.
Welsh, Irish or Scottish Accent.

Perfectly formed breasts with erect nipples........

Jayzee.......... (And maybe Kates profile pic too....... :-))
Missed out on the accent thing there, but I am a bit of a sponge. A couple of days with Lolo and you won't be able to tell the difference between us Smile
You going blonde Kate or you persuading Lolo to go over to the red side?
Nooo I don't mean physically lol. Blonde doesn't suit me. I put a blonde wig on and took some pics and put them on my profile and my boys told me not to do it. Besides, I love the red.

I'm just gonna sound a wee bit Scottish, aye! lol

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