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Debt Collection
(30-05-2011, 21:46)doctorcat Wrote: Emily - I've already done that and gone to court and got a ccj against him. The court has decided he owes me the money. That is where it ends. I know have to make him pay the money - the courts cannot make him do that/

Nutrunner - thank you and maybe you are right - maybe it's just about satisfaction now. Is that wrong?

No, it's not wrong at all. It may be all you get and you have that choice about how you feel. I've been there more than once myself. It's no comfort but know this..your first loss is always your cheapest.
Apply to make him bankrupt it is that simple .you have the order and court will do the biz xxx
Zoe if he does that, what is the likely outcome? Payments or the full payment if the bankcrupsy goes ahead?
If he has any assetts then they are sold i think to clear any debts, if he doesn't have anything then I doubt we would see anything. Although if your married i don't know how that affects things..
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The marriage means what is hers is now his and visa versa, so it might be worth a try.
Not sure how the marriage thing works. Need to investigate. Have found some bailifs and some "interesting" people who have offered to help.....
With regards to divorce everything goes down the middle, so I would say that it would be the same with debt. You take on the other persons debts and wealth. Having said that with CSA payments, it didn't work that way. Ok, best check first.
If he has car it is sold ,attachment of earnings can also be asked for ,anymoney in his account frozen etc . should concentrate his mind to pay you back.

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