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how to get neg feedbck removed ?
grr im to angry its unreal i had a really good reg always left good feedbck spent alot of time with me in direct cam and on direct im ..... just recently hes started down the i want to meet you trail and ive been telling him nooo noo noo and no means no so the craft little fuk has decided hes gona ruin all my feedbck and leave me neg ive disputed it all but how do i get it removed off my feedbck list im soo pist off i never get any neg feedbck its so wrong this fooker has decided to leave all this for no reason im angry beyond belief AngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngryAngry
I think all you can do email Adultwork and explain the situation...with the history you have with of positive feedback it's very unlikely that you would suddenly be warranting negative. I would feel the same really stinks that they can do this.
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
Just looked... clearly he has hounded you which is against AW's rules.

Tell them what he's done and they should remove it for you.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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ps... I presume you've blocked him now? And made sure that you've ticked the box which stops him from making any more bookings?
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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yea blacklisted blocked the lot reported but checked both his profiles at its comming up member not active rarrrrrr im fuming wish they would take the time to read profiles its just so unfair ive emailed AWfingers crossed they remove it all thanx girlies x x
Fuck, I just looked at your feedback. Thats terrible, I'm angry for you. Fucking wanker. I see he's member not active now too. Twat.
Block him and ask AW if it's possible to do something about it.

I have one neutral and at the time it ruined my day. However, there's girls with shitloads of neut/neg/disp who hide it too, and still have no trouble making money. I'm not sure guys look at it or even how many ratings you have! So try not to stress too much.
What a complete tosser! He has nearly filled a page, aw should see whats gone on, and hopefully remove it, you can clearly see he has issues, as he says won't return but returned so many god dam times or he wouldn't have been able to leave soooo many negatives.
Don't let him spoil your night (easier said than done) but for anyone reading that it won't put them off all you have to do is see he has -1 feedback and like I say if he wasn't happy then he wouldn't of kept returning would he.

It shows him as "Member Not Active"

I hope AW do something about this, it is bad if they do not

Sarah x x x
Jeeso, that's one sick puppy right there. Maybe AW have removed him for his antics. As lolly says, don't let it spoil your night and anyone would be able to see if he was unhappy with you the first time he wouldn't have been back for ten more. Good grief. x
What was his username?

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