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Can we discuss *anything* on the AW e-mail system?
Hi there everyone,

I was having a conversation with another AW member the other day, and she said something I wasn't aware of...

She said that we shouldn't be discussing 'taboo' themes or anything else of that 'nature' via the Adult Work e-mail system.

I honestly did not realise this, genuinely.

So, we can do this in DirectIM and Phone chat and webcam, but not e-mail?!

Is this right? I had better watch what I say from now on in e-mail if this is the case?

Thanks and sorry for being a bit naive!

Hi Curlytops
Hope this helps
My understanding is this, albeit very brief.
typing certain words are now Key Sensitive, meaning it will pick up certain words that fall outside the law (under the Uk terrorist Act Europe Act) Its isn’t just emails it can also be the phone/mobiles and internet. An announcement was made from the Home Secretary Teresa May this week.
I would be graceful if others could
Intercept who have prior knowledge of the law.

Bye for now Bluesatin
It's really difficult...I don't like saying stuff in email so I try to be discrete in the language I use, I say I'm understanding rather than saying I'll do taboo chat and there are times when I do say no. The terms of use say no to taboos but then it says it doesn't want to stifle fantasy chat...there is so much taboo chat going on, the place would grind to a halt if they stopped it all.

It's doing something that may encourage an offence to be committed that we need to watch...there are ones who talk in fantasy and there are the ones who talk about their actual feelings for their mother etc, or school girls.
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
I cannot think of any site allowing taboo chat but aw seems to let thing slip...............lots of girls talking and advertising no taboos anything goes chat directim etc.

Yes fantasy is fantasy and i get that its a huge thing on aw and girls will make shed loads in directim alone from no taboo.

Having seen another thread last night and admins responce aw do not allow how the hell no taboos are getting away with it i have no idea as its advertised on most of there profiles.

I dont judge anyone but extreme taboo of very underage is just fueling pedos that will come on this site knowing full well there get the chat they want from some members
They get away with it because no-one has reported it yet.

My knowledge of taboo's and what is legal/illegal isnt up to par but if its illegal or against AW rules report it.

AW cannot police all profiles manually, if they tried to I think they would need more staff which would probably result in higher admin fee's for us.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

I doubt that they have the time or resource to check.

It would be easy enough for them to check messages electronically, and pick out key words and key phrases, but in reality it would produce so many false positives that although it would be technically easy to pick out suspicious mail, actually going through those highlighted messages to see what was in them would be unmanageable.

Is me view.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Call 07856 061172
Follow @Trinity_Belle on Twitter

Im sure a solution exists somewhere but it wouldnt be as straightforward as first thought.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Yes i agree, but would have thought profiles with no tabbos anything goes pretty much are saying they talk about anything........half of directim are no taboo chat and i dont think it would be too hard for aw to sort that out.
(17-06-2012, 19:06)blue-satin Wrote: Hi Curlytops
Hope this helps
My understanding is this, albeit very brief.
typing certain words are now Key Sensitive, meaning it will pick up certain words that fall outside the law (under the Uk terrorist Act Europe Act) Its isn’t just emails it can also be the phone/mobiles and internet. An announcement was made from the Home Secretary Teresa May this week.
I would be graceful if others could
Intercept who have prior knowledge of the law.

Bye for now Bluesatin

I don't think that is true.

I think it is something they want to do, but at the moment they can not.

Do you have a link to the announcement?
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
See me on AdultWork

Call 07856 061172
Follow @Trinity_Belle on Twitter
They only discussed it...

"The Home Office says the plan is key to tackling crime and terrorism. The Information Commissioner has warned that strict safeguards must be put in place if plans to monitor the calls, emails, texts and website visits of everyone in the UK are implemented. "

I believe they cannot , not at the moment.

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