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Do earnings lessen as time goes on?
Hi everyone.

I'm very new to this line of work, in fact what actually inspired me to do so was watching Channel 4's documentary 'My Phone Sex Secrets', which I thought was hilarious and inspiring simultaneously! I had my own online business before which went downhill after Christmas and needed something else quickly.

So I decided to give it a go.

Now, I've been this exactly 2 weeks. Only offering Phone Sex / SMS / DirectIM. In that 2 weeks I've earned (after fees, this what I'll be getting in cheques) £1,204.29.

Because I have no clue about this industry at all - I want to know from you the experts - is this normal? Will this lessen once I am no longer 'new blood' on the AW pages?

I am not a well-off person by any stretch, and to me this is an enormous amount of money for 2 weeks work, I'm just worried that this is just reflective of the fact I'm new to it and maybe I have a novelty factor to customers?

Is it sustainable?

Please note I am not trying to big myself up or anything like that, I just am clueless and am looking for some advice... I don't have anyone else to ask or know anyone who does this work.

Thanks everyone Smile
It has to be said that anybody new in the adult business will always do well to start. Punters often appear to be stupid and clueless, but they are far from it. When I used to advertise in the local papers, with over a 100 others they would spot a new advert instantly and the phone would ring constantly compared to the old one.

They are constantly hunting "New Blood", enjoy it while you can but it is also a chance to build some regular bookings, do not dismiss it as some do, thinking it is easy money and there will be plenty of others to follow if you do not give value for money.

Sarah x x x
Thanks for taking the time to reply Sarah, it's the first time I've had any insight into this from anyone.

Admittedly, I have had a few 'lucky' bookings, guys that just keep phoning me back in the same day for whatever reason.

I've got a few 'regulars' already and make sure I treat them extra special... No rushing to get off the phone or whatever. I guess they'll be the bread and butter?

Although one of them has mistaken this for something else and wants me to meet him etc but I guess it's an occupational hazard, and another thread, lol.

As Sarah said, new blood is attractive and lots of men do specifically seek it out. But other men look for seasoned girls, preferably with feedback, so using the bookings system has distinct advantages in this respect - I don't know whether the booking system works for what you are offering as I only offer Escort services and don't do any of the things you are doing.

If I were to give you any advice at all, it would be to always give the best possible service. Never work if you are tired or not in the mood - keep it fresh. This way you will build up a loyal following of regular clients. The new enquiries will drop off, but you can maintain them to some degree by constantly updating your profile and making sure you have some nice pics... it is well worth using some of your little windfall to invest in a professional photo shoot - maybe even add a private gallery which will also generate income for you as well as enticing men in to use your other services.

Us girls who have been doing this a while have a book full of regulars who keep us going. I am more busy now than I was when I first went independent, but the difference is that a good proportion of my bookings come from regulars, where as when I first went indi all of my bookings were new (obviously) apart from a small number I managed to retain from my agency days.

Regulars are your bread and butter in Escorting... but every new client is a potential future regular, so it is important to treat them all well so that they will want to use your services again. And even regs do like a change from time to time. Like I said, it may be different for the services you are offering?

Best of luck, I hope it all works out for you!

Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Ahhh thanks very much Trinny. Some real golden nuggets in there that I really will use!

Admittedly, I have probably worked on a few times later than I should when I've been really tired and I'm not going to do that anymore.

I've realised with phone sex is that it's really important to get your caller's hook before going straight into anything. Due to the especial nature of some of the requests talking about blowjobs and masturbation down the phone isn't going to cut it with a lot of them! Finding out more about them and what they like seems to have them coming back so far.

I have always been asking guys to leave me feedback when they're on a call (and if they're still there at the end) but due to the nature of phone sex, many of them hang up before you get a chance. Similarly, because they piss off so quickly sometimes it's hard to gauge whether or not it's a 'job well done'?

I'll keep at it and try and be fresh/new/exciting as much as possible!

Wow £1000 over a grand in two weeks? How many hours are you working per day?
I'm lucky if I get £150 a week.
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Admittedly Jayzee I am working long hours... sometimes from early in the morning til like midnight. Or sometimes I've stayed up late. It does seem to be busier during the day though.

I've been really lucky with the guys that have contacted me, one guy has spent literally hundreds just talking to me via DirectIM.

I never expected this sort of money, to be honest, I was kinda expecting a few hundred maybe over the month. Nothing like this.

It's strange though, like on Monday I earned £189, and today I've only earned £58. The variants seem to be huge. The most I've earned in a day is £210 and the least was £30.
Well done though! Gives me hope!
Come check out my profile
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When I did the phone chat/direct chat bookings I used to find late evenings (when wifey/OH had gone to bed) was the busiest of times for me but if you are doing a good job then the guys will look out for when you are around anyway.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the documentary - it was fun to do!

Pity they wouldn't film how I REALLY do my phone chat which is naked & wanking (why would you pass up the opportunity of some assisted masturbation?!). That's the thing about 'documentaries' - they have an idea in mind but the truth is usually something entirely different.

Never mind - I'll do my own


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