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Poll: Dogging -- have you / would you ?
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Haven't dogged before
4 16.00%
Have dogged before
10 40.00%
Wouldn't consider it neither
6 24.00%
Might consider it in future
5 20.00%
Total 25 vote(s) 100%
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Dogging ?
(30-10-2011, 19:52)Tom30 Wrote: Learned that you can catch STI/D's from having sex? Learnt that when i was 10 years old.
Youre an escort, makes little difference. You have sex with multiple partners you can still catch infections from the groin area, as well as diseases from OWO.

But escorts dont see it that way - its a very unlikely chance you can catch something from OWO and using condoms for sex. So even though they know that fact they still carry on escorting.

End of the day, we're here for pleasure and/or money. If you dont want to catch anything then stay a virgin and live forever.

Your reply is very juevenile, as were your actions when you were dogging. It appears you have not grown up at all.
Was merely saying how things are. How that is juevenile i have no idea. And how i live my life is upto me, not to be judged by anyone ie you. I dont harm anyone, so why you feel you have to respond in such an unfriendly tone..
I find it great fun. I have had it in woods, in a railway coach, a signal box, on the station platform, on the railway tracks, and in a Lorry.
i have been dogging a few times but never got involved its all a bit strange for me, not really my idea of fun but okay to look at
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

I love to go out dogging & getting it on camera etc so horny love the excitment of possibly getting seen very horny! & having willing cocks or passers by see.
Can be great fun, escpecially in the summer evenings. When it comes to blowing a gale or chucking it down with rain or snow, then I draw the line and put my feet up in front of the fire!
Haha I've just reread my post. Reohrase.. The idea turns me on... Its the reality that would turn me off...
Many, many years ago I knew someone who had a cloak and we had it in the sunshine on a snow covered beach one lunchtime.
(30-10-2011, 10:50)DivineMissG Wrote: While I very much love being naked in the outdoors (we have an 'nudist' beach [that just so happens to include alot of sex, fancy that] in my home town in Adelaide)... The idea of dogging really turns me off... It really is a situ where the woman is a piece of meat... And the men are animals.

While I have done ORGANISED and well vetted gangbangs - Dogging is a different story. You never know who is going to show up, whether they're clean (same in every meeting with a client), whether they're going to try any tricks with condoms, and whether they are going to respect your decision to stop when you want to...

The idea really freaks me out - I just think of poor girls who may be 'made' to do this by pimps. I'm sure there are some girls who genuinely enjoy it... In fact the 'idea' of it kind of turns me on. But you couldn't pay me enough to put myself in such a risky situation. I'm pretty sure my fantasies about this sort of thing would be far removed from the reality.

(03-11-2011, 06:56)A Bloke Wrote: Many, many years ago I knew someone who had a cloak and we had it in the sunshine on a snow covered beach one lunchtime.

How lovely Smile

That's not dogging in my book... It's being spontaneous and opportunistic!!

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